--- title: "Panells d'anàlisi dels ODS" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: orientation: columns css: odscat.css vertical_layout: fill theme: yeti self_contained: no ---

El multipanell dels ODS als municipis de Catalunya

Disseny: Concepte: 
```{r include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE) ``` ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(flexdashboard) library(tidyverse) library(sf) library(rmapshaper) library(tmap) library(leaflet) library(readxl) library(httr) library(plotly) library(DT) library(crosstalk) library(viridis) library(hrbrthemes) ``` ```{r include=FALSE} # MAPAS # Mapa comarques com_sf <- st_read( "Mapas/divisions-administratives/divisions-administratives-v2r1-comarques-500000-20240118.shp")|> st_make_valid() |> rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = 0.025, keep_shapes = TRUE) # Mapa províncies prov_sf <- st_read( "Mapas/divisions-administratives/divisions-administratives-v2r1-provincies-500000-20240118.shp") # Mapa municipis mun_sf <- st_read( "Mapas/divisions-administratives/divisions-administratives-v2r1-municipis-250000-20240118.shp") |> st_make_valid() |> rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = 0.025, keep_shapes = TRUE) %>% # Importante para poder simplificar el mapa sin dejar espacios vacíos. Hay que simplificar para bajar el peso del documento mutate(CODIMUNI= str_sub(CODIMUNI,1,5)) # NOTA IMPORTANT: Tenir present que, en el cads de Catalunya, la codificació és de SIS DÍGITS: els dos primers corresponen al codi de província, els tres següents a l'identificador seqüencial de municipi i l'últim és un DÍGIT DE CONTROL. ``` ```{r} # Dataframe general de población total por municipios, para join con df que tienen código ine # Años 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 municipios <- readxl::read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/Demografia/padronMunicipios.xlsx") %>% filter(ine != "17104") # Se separan diferentes df para diferentes años municipios_19 <- municipios |> select(1,2,7) municipios_20 <- municipios |> select(1,2,6) municipios_21 <- municipios |> select(1,2,5) municipios_22 <- municipios |> select(1,2,4) municipios_23 <- municipios |> select(1,2,3) ``` ```{r} # Población por edad año a año # https://www.idescat.cat/pub/?id=pmh&n=1180&by=sec&t=2022&f=zip&fi=ssv mun_anyoanyo_2022 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/Demografia/Padron_Anyo-Anyo/pobAnyany.xlsx") ``` ```{r} # Dataframe amb dades generals municipis (altitud, superfície etc) info_mun <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/Demografia/t15903_SupAlt.csv", skip = 5, sep = ";", header = TRUE, colClasses = c("character","character","character", "character","character","character")) %>% mutate(Superfície..km..= gsub(",","\\.",Superfície..km..), Superfície..km..= as.numeric(Superfície..km..), Altitud..m.= as.integer(Altitud..m.), Població= as.integer(Població), Codi= str_sub(Codi, 1, 5), Densitat_h.km2= round(Població/Superfície..km..,1)) %>% rename(ine=Codi) ``` ```{r} # dataframe depurado de municipios para join con dataframe sin código ine, sino por nombre del municipios munClean <- municipios_23[, c(1,2)] |> mutate(Municipio= tolower(Municipio), Municipio= stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII"), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l'", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("'", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("`", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("´","", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(",", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\(", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(")", "", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= gsub("\\s+"," ", Municipio)) # writexl::write_xlsx(munClean,"BasesdeDatos/ODS7/munClean.xlsx") ``` # Mapes ODS1 {data-navmenu="ODS1 - Fi de la pobresa"} ## Column {.tabset} ### Renda Familiar Disponible Bruta per habitant
(2021 - provisional)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'IDESCAT (2021) ```{r} rdfb <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS1/rfdbc-13301-14148-mun.xlsx", sheet = 2, skip=1, col_names = TRUE, col_types = c("text", "numeric","numeric","numeric", "numeric","numeric","numeric", "numeric","numeric","numeric", "numeric","numeric","numeric")) %>% mutate(ine= str_sub(...1, 2,6), Municipio= str_sub(...1,9,100)) %>% select(14,15,2:13) rdfb21 <- rdfb %>% select(1,2,14) %>% rename(ods01.rdfb.hab= `2021`) ods1.rdfb_sf <- mun_sf %>% left_join(rdfb21, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tmap_mode("view") tm_shape(ods1.rdfb_sf)+ tm_fill(col="ods01.rdfb.hab", id="NOMMUNI", #style = "fixed", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,50,100,1000,2000,5000), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Renda Familiar Disponible Bruta per hab.", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("RDFB per hab. (€): "= "ods01.rdfb.hab"), popup.format = list(ods01.rdfb.hab= list(big.mark = ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="grey40",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) + tmap_options(basemaps = "Esri.WorldImagery", basemaps.alpha = 1) ``` ### Taxa de població en pobresa severa
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'INE (2021) ```{r} # Lectura de las bases de datos del INE descargadas en el enlace: # https://www.ine.es/jaxiT3/Tabla.htm?t=309018&L= pobrB <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS1/30901_PobrezaBarcelona.xlsx", skip = 9, col_names = FALSE) # https://www.ine.es/jaxiT3/Tabla.htm?t=31021&L=0 pobrG <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS1/31021_PobrezaGirona.xlsx", skip = 9, col_names = FALSE) # https://www.ine.es/jaxiT3/Tabla.htm?t=31084&L=0 pobrL <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS1/31084_PobrezaLleida.xlsx", skip = 9, col_names = FALSE) # https://www.ine.es/jaxiT3/Tabla.htm?t=31228&L=0 pobrT <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS1/31228_PobrezaTarragona.xlsx", skip = 9, col_names = FALSE) pobr <- rbind(pobrB,pobrG,pobrL,pobrT) pobr <- pobr |> rename(Municipio= ...1, ods01.PobrSev= ...2, ods10.Pobr= ...3) |> mutate(ine= str_sub(Municipio,1,5), Municipio=str_sub(Municipio,7,100), ods01.PobrSev= round(as.numeric(ods01.PobrSev),1), ods10.Pobr= round(as.numeric(ods10.Pobr),1))|> select(4,1,2,3) |> filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|43", ine)) # writexl::write_xlsx(pobr, "BasesdeDatos/ODS7/pobreza.xlsx") # Se graba para analizar correlación con otras variables # NOTA IMPORTANT: Tenir present que, en el cads de Catalunya, la codificació és de SIS DÍGITS: els dos primers corresponen al codi de província, els tres següents a l'identificador seqüencial de municipi i l'últim és un DÍGIT DE CONTROL. En aquest cas, hem d'eliminar el dígi de control de l'arxiu cartogràfic perquè les bbdd de l'ine no el contenen. pobr_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(pobr, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(pobr_sf)+ tm_fill(col="ods01.PobrSev", id="Municipio", #style = "fixed", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,50,100,1000,2000,5000), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Taxa de pobresa severa (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de obresa severa (%): "= "ods01.PobrSev")) + tm_borders(col="grey40",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) + tmap_options(basemaps = "Esri.WorldImagery", basemaps.alpha = 1) ``` ## Column ### Taxa de despesa municipal en promoció social
Despeses en servies de promoció social per hab. Compte 23 de Programes
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades del Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública (2022) ```{r} # Contabilidad de la partida 23 del gasto municipal del año 2022 desp23 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS1/Liquidaciones2022/desp23.xlsx") desp23 <- desp23 |> left_join(municipios_22, by= "ine") |> # Se fusiona con el df de población municipal de 2022 filter(TipoAdm== "AA") |> group_by(ine,Municipio) |> mutate(ods01.Gasto_23= sum(Importe), ods01.Gasto_23perHab= round(ods01.Gasto_23/`2022`,2)) |> mutate(ods01.Gasto_en_miles= round(ods01.Gasto_23/1000,0)) |> select(ine,Municipio,`2022`,ods01.Gasto_23,ods01.Gasto_23perHab, ods01.Gasto_en_miles) |> rename(Total= `2022`) |> distinct(ine, Municipio,Total,ods01.Gasto_23,ods01.Gasto_23perHab, ods01.Gasto_en_miles) desp23Cat <- municipios_22 |> left_join(desp23[, -c(2,3)], by= 'ine') |> rename(Total= `2022`) d23Cat_sf <- mun_sf %>% left_join(desp23Cat, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(d23Cat_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods01.Gasto_23perHab", id="Municipio", style = "fixed", n=5, breaks = c(0,50,100,200,400,5000), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Despesa partida social
per habitant", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Despesa social (en mils d'€): "= "ods01.Gasto_en_miles", "Població (habitants): "= "Total", "Despesa social/Habitant: "= "ods01.Gasto_23perHab"), popup.format = list(ods01.Gasto_en_miles= list(big.mark = ".", decimal.mark= ","), Total= list(big.mark = "."), ods01.Gasto_23perHab=list(decimal.mark=","))) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # Anàlisi ODS1 {data-navmenu="ODS1 - Fi de la pobresa"} ## Column ### Distribució entre municipis de la Renda familiar disponible bruta per hab.: comparació per províncies {data-height="500"} ```{r fig.width=7} rdfb21 %>% mutate(Provincia= ifelse(grepl("^08",ine), "Barcelona", ifelse(grepl("^17",ine), "Girona", ifelse(grepl("^25", ine), "Lleida", ifelse(grepl("^43", ine), "Tarragona", NA))))) %>% group_by(Provincia) %>% mutate(mediana= median(ods01.rdfb.hab, na.rm= TRUE)) %>% ggplot(aes(x= Provincia, y= ods01.rdfb.hab,fill = Provincia))+ geom_boxplot()+ theme_ipsum()+ scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE, aesthetics = "fill") + #geom_text(aes(y= mediana,label = mediana), vjust= -0.5 )+ ylab("RDFB per habitant")+ theme(legend.position = "none") ``` ### Distribució entre municipis de la Taxa de pobresa severa: comparació per províncies ```{r} pobr %>% mutate(Provincia= ifelse(grepl("^08",ine), "Barcelona", ifelse(grepl("^17",ine), "Girona", ifelse(grepl("^25", ine), "Lleida", ifelse(grepl("^43", ine), "Tarragona", NA))))) %>% group_by(Provincia) %>% mutate(mediana= median(ods01.PobrSev, na.rm= TRUE)) %>% ggplot(aes(x= Provincia, y= ods01.PobrSev))+ geom_boxplot(aes(fill = Provincia))+ theme_ipsum()+ scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, aesthetics = "fill")+ #geom_text(aes(y= mediana,label = mediana), vjust= -0.5 )+ ylab("Taxa de pobresa severa")+ theme(legend.position = "none") ``` ## Column{.tabset} ### Relació entre Renda disponible familiar bruta i Taxa de pobresa severa ```{r } rdfb_pob <- municipios_21 %>% inner_join(pobr[, c(1,3)]) %>% mutate(Provincia= ifelse(grepl("^08",ine), "Barcelona", ifelse(grepl("^17",ine), "Girona", ifelse(grepl("^25", ine), "Lleida", ifelse(grepl("^43", ine), "Tarragona", NA))))) %>% inner_join(rdfb21, by= 'ine') %>% rename(Poblacio= `2021`) %>% filter(!is.na(ods01.rdfb.hab)) R <- cor(rdfb_pob$ods01.PobrSev, rdfb_pob$ods01.rdfb.hab, method = 'pearson') ggplot(rdfb_pob, aes(x=ods01.rdfb.hab, y= ods01.PobrSev)) + geom_point(aes(text= paste0("Municipio: ", Municipio.x, "\nRenda Disponible Familiar Neta / Hab.: ", ods01.rdfb.hab, "\nTaxa de risc de pobresa (%): ", ods01.PobrSev ), colour = Provincia, size= Poblacio), alpha= 0.5) + geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se=FALSE) + theme_ipsum() + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE)+ scale_size(2,15)+ geom_text(aes(x=25000,y=12.5, label = paste0("R= ", round(R,2))))+ ylab("Taxa pobresa severa")+ xlab("Renda disponible familiar bruta/hab.")+ guides(size= "none") + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=8))) #ggplotly(p1, tooltip = 'text')%>% # layout(annotations = list(x = 25000, y = 15, # text = paste0("R= ", round(R,2)), showarrow = F) # ) ``` ### Relació entre Renda disponible familiar bruta i Taxa de pobresa severa per províncies ```{r} pobr %>% mutate(Provincia= ifelse(grepl("^08",ine), "Barcelona", ifelse(grepl("^17",ine), "Girona", ifelse(grepl("^25", ine), "Lleida", ifelse(grepl("^43", ine), "Tarragona", NA))))) %>% inner_join(rdfb21, by= 'ine') %>% ggplot(aes(x=ods01.rdfb.hab, y= ods01.PobrSev)) + geom_point(aes(text= paste0("Municipio: ", Municipio.x, "\nRenda Disponible Familiar Neta / Hab.: ", ods01.rdfb.hab, "\nTaxa de risc de pobresa (%): ", ods01.PobrSev ), colour = Provincia), alpha=0.5) + geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se=FALSE) + facet_wrap(~Provincia)+ scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE) + theme_ipsum() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 9))+ ylab("Taxa de pobresa severa")+ xlab("Renda disponible familiar bruta/hab.") #ggplotly(p2, tooltip = 'text') ``` # Sèries temporals {data-navmenu="ODS1 - Fi de la pobresa"} ## Column{data-width="250"} ### Filtres ```{r} pobAnys <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS1/Pob15-21.xlsx") %>% rename(Any=name, Pobresa.Severa=value) sd2 <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(pobAnys) #f1 <- filter_select( # id = "comarca2", # label = "Selecciona les comarques", # sharedData = sd2, # group = ~Comarca, # multiple = TRUE #) f2 <- filter_select( id = "municipi2", label = "Selecciona els municipis", sharedData = sd2, group = ~Municipi, multiple = TRUE ) f2 ``` ## Row ### Pobresa severa: sèrie temporal 2015-2021: gràfic ```{r eval=FALSE} pPob <- ggplot(data = sd2, aes(x=Any, y=Pobresa.Severa)) + geom_line(aes(group = Municipi))+ #scale_x_date(date_labels = "%Y")+ xlab("Anys") + ylab("Pobresa severa (%)") + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(2015,2021,1)) + theme_ipsum() ggplotly(pPob, tooltip = "text") ``` ```{r eval=TRUE} plot_ly(sd2, x = ~Any, y = ~Pobresa.Severa, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', color = ~Municipi, hovertext = ~ paste0(Municipi, "\nAny: ", Any, "\nPobresa severa (%): ", Pobresa.Severa), hoverinfo = "text") %>% layout(xaxis = list(title = "Any"), yaxis = list(title = "Pobresa severa (%)", range= c(0,25)), showlegend= FALSE, autosize = F, width = 500, height = 500) ``` ## Row ### Pobresa severa: sèrie temporal 2015-2021: tabla ```{r} datatable(sd2, colnames = c("Cod. INE", "Municipi","Comarca", "Any", "Pobresa severa (%)"), class = 'display', extensions = 'Buttons', options = list(dom = 'Blfrtip', buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel'))) ``` ```{js} /* chunk que s'afegeix per poder preseleccionar un valor */ function filter_default() { document.getElementById("municipi2").getElementsByClassName("selectized") [0].selectize.setValue("Barcelona", false); } window.onload = filter_default; ``` # ODS2 - Fam zero ## Column ### Superfície de producció ecològica
% de superfície destinada a produccó ecològica (excepte pastures i boscos) sobre SAU total (2020)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de CCPA i dades sobre SAU de l'IDESCAT ```{r} # dades SAU España: https://www.ine.es/jaxi/Tabla.htm?tpx=52071&L=0 # Dades supeficies ecológica CCPAE: https://www.ccpae.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=400&Itemid=232&lang=ca_ES sauEco <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS2/supEco.xlsx") sauEcoClean <- sauEco %>% mutate(Municipio= tolower(Municipio), Municipio= stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII"), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l'", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("'", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("`", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("´","", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(",", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\(", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(")", "", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= gsub("\\s+"," ", Municipio)) %>% mutate(Municipio= case_match(Municipio, "bigues i riells"~ "bigues i riells del fai", "boadella demporda"~ "boadella i les escaules", "brunyola"~ "brunyola i sant marti sapresa", "cabrera digualada"~ "cabrera danoia", "calonge"~ "calonge i sant antoni", "castellfollit del boix."~ "castellfollit del boix", "montagut"~ "montagut i oix", "olugues les"~ "oluges les", "palau de plegamans"~ "palau-solita i plegamans", "roda de bara"~ "roda de bera", "sant carles de la rapita"~ "rapita la", "santa maria de corco"~ "esquirol l", "saus"~ "saus camallera i llampaies", "torre de espanyol la"~ "torre de lespanyol la", "vall de cardos la"~ "vall de cardos", #"vallbona de les monges"~ "vallbona de les monges", "vimbodi"~ "vimbodi i poblet", .default = as.character(Municipio))) sauEcoIne <- sauEcoClean %>% left_join(munClean, by = "Municipio") %>% select(3,2) %>% inner_join(municipios_23[,1:2], by= "ine") %>% select(1,3,2) # SAU: https://www.idescat.cat/pub/?id=censag&n=16059&geo=mun sau <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/ODS2/t16059mun_SAU.csv", sep = ";", skip = 6, header = TRUE) %>% rename(ine= Codi, Municipio= Nom, SAU= SAU..ha) %>% select(1,2,4) %>% mutate(ine= as.character(ine), ine= str_pad(ine, width=6, side= "left", pad= "0"), ine= str_sub(ine, 1,5), SAU=as.integer(SAU)) sauEcoIne <- sauEcoIne %>% inner_join(sau[,c(1,3)], by= "ine") %>% mutate(supEco= ifelse(supEco > SAU, NA, supEco)) %>% mutate(ods2.propEco= round(supEco/SAU*100, 1)) %>% filter(!is.na(ods2.propEco)) sauEcoIne_sf <- mun_sf %>% left_join(sauEcoIne, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(sauEcoIne_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods2.propEco", id= "NOMMUNI", #style = "fixed", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,50,100,200,400,5000), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "% Superfície agricultura
ecològica sobre SAU", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Proporció superfície agric. ecològica sobre SAU (%): " = "ods2.propEco", "SAU - Superfície agrícola útil (ha): "= "SAU", "Superfície agric. ecológica (ha): "= "supEco"), popup.format = list( ods2.propEco= list(decimal.mark = ","), SAU= list(big.mark = "."), supEco= list(decimal.mark= ",", digits= 1)) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Proporció de Superfície Agrícola Útil sobre Supefície total
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de de SAU i de superficie municipal de l'IDESCAT ```{r} sup_mun <- info_mun %>% select(3,1,5) %>% inner_join(sau, by= "ine") %>% mutate(supHa= Superfície..km.. * 100, ods2.propSau= round(SAU/supHa*100,1)) sup_mun_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(sup_mun, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(sup_mun_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods2.propSau", id= "Municipio", #style = "fixed", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,50,100,200,400,5000), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "SAU sobre superfície total (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Proporció SAU sobre sup. total (%): " = "ods2.propSau", "SAU - Superfície agrícola útil (ha): "= "SAU", "Superfície total municipal (km2): "= "Superfície..km.."), popup.format = list( ods2.propSau= list(decimal.mark = ","), SAU= list(big.mark = "."), Superfície..km..= list(decimal.mark= ",", digits= 1)) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # Mapes ODS3 {data-navmenu="ODS3 - Salut i benestar"} ## Column {.tabset} ### Taxa bruta de mortalitat
Defuncios / 1000 habitants
Elaboració pròpia sobre Dades de l'IDESCAT (2022) ```{r} mortGen22 <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/ODS3/t365mun_mortGen.csv", skip = 5, header = TRUE, sep = ";", colClasses = c("character","character","integer", "integer","integer")) %>% slice(1:947) %>% select(1,2,5) %>% mutate(Codi= str_sub(Codi, 1,5)) names(mortGen22) <- c("ine", "Municipio", "Defuncions") ods3.mortGen <- municipios_22 %>% inner_join(mortGen22[,-2], by= "ine") %>% mutate(ods3.MortGen= round(Defuncions/`2022`*1000,1)) ods3.mortGen_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods3.mortGen, by = c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) %>% rename(Total = `2022`) tm_shape(ods3.mortGen_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods3.MortGen", id= "NOMMUNI", #style = "fixed", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,50,100,200,400,5000), palette = c("white","darkred"), title = "Taxa de mortalitat general (‰)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de mortalitat general: " = "ods3.MortGen", "Defuncions totals: "= "Defuncions", "Població total: "= "Total"), popup.format = list( ods3.MortGen= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=1), Defuncions= list(big.mark = "."), Total= list(big.mark= ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column {.tabset} ```{r eval=FALSE} #================== # RATIO FAMRMÀCIES #================== # data from https://analisi.transparenciacatalunya.cat/Urbanisme-infraestructures/Equipaments-de-Catalunya/8gmd-gz7i/about_data farm <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/ODS3/Equipaments_de_Catalunya_20240515 (2).csv") %>% select(1,2,10,11) %>% mutate(CODI_MUNICIPI= str_sub( str_pad( as.character(CODI_MUNICIPI), 6, side= "left", pad= "0"), 1,5)) %>% rename(Municipio= POBLACIO, ine= CODI_MUNICIPI) nfarm <- farm %>% group_by(ine, Municipio) %>% summarise(n.farm= n()) ods3.tasFarm <- municipios_23 %>% left_join(nfarm[,-2], by = "ine") %>% rename(Total= `2023`) %>% mutate(n.farm= ifelse(is.na(n.farm), 0, n.farm), ods3.tasaFarm= round(n.farm/Total*10000,1)) ods3.tasFarm_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods3.tasFarm, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods3.tasFarm_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods3.tasaFarm", id= "NOMMUNI", style = "fixed", n=6, breaks = c(0, 2, 4, 6,8, 10,100), labels = c("0 - 2 per 10.000 hab.", "2 - 4 per 10.000 hab.", "4 - 6 per 10.000 hab.", "6 - 8 per 10.000 hab.", "8 - 10 per 10.000 hab.", "> 10 per 10.000 hab."), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Ràtio de farmàcies / 10.000 hab.", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Farmàcies / 10.000 hab.: " = "ods3.tasaFarm", "Nombre de farmàcies: "= "n.farm", "Població total: "= "Total"), popup.format = list( ods3.tasaFarm= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=1), n.farm= list(big.mark = "."), Total= list(big.mark= ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ### Esperança de vida al néixer
Mètode PHE per a petites poblacions (veure Eayres and Williams, 2004)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de mortalitat de l'INE i
dades de població de l'IDESCAT (2022)
```{r} library(PHEindicatormethods) # ====================================== # DADES - MORTALITAT PER EDATS - MUNICIPIS DE CATALUNYA ANY 2022 # ====================================== # DF generando por fichero de microdatos del INE procesado previamente mort <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/ODS3/datos_2022_defunciones_microdatos/mortalidad_2022.csv", colClasses = "character") mortCat22 <- mort |> mutate(ine= paste0(CPRORE,CMUNRE), # IMPORTANTE SON LOS CODIGO DE LA RESIDENCIA. NO CONFONDER CON CPROI Y CMUNI ANON= as.numeric(ANON), ANODEF= as.numeric(ANODEF), Edat= ANODEF-ANON) |> filter(CMUNRE != ' ') |> # Los municipios de < de 10.000 habitantes quedan en blanco y se filtran select(17,18, 1:16) %>% group_by(ine,Edat) %>% summarise(Defuncions= n()) # ====================================== # DADES - POBLACIÓ PER EDATS - MUNICIPIS DE CATALUNYA ANY 2022 # ====================================== lf <- list.files("BasesdeDatos/ODS3/", pattern = "^33.*.xlsx") # Cal tornar a entrar el path, si no, no funciona: paste0() data <- lapply(lf, function(x) readxl::read_xlsx(paste0("BasesdeDatos/ODS3/",x), skip = 8, col_names = TRUE)) # fixar-se en seq_along() per iterar sobre llistes de dataframes popCat22raw <- lapply(seq_along(data), function(x) { data[[x]][grep("^[0-9]+",data[[x]]$...1),] }) %>% bind_rows() popCat22 <- popCat22raw %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(2:102) %>% mutate(name= as.integer(str_extract(name, "^[0-9]+")), ine= str_sub(...1, 1,5), ...1= str_sub(...1, 7,100)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1, Edat= name, Persones= value) %>% select(4,1,2,3) ineM <- mortCat22 %>% distinct(ine) # ine's de mun estudi Mortalitat popFilt22 <- popCat22 %>% filter(ine %in% ineM$ine) # Es filtren el mun inclosos tabmort22 <- popFilt22 %>% left_join(mortCat22, by= c("ine"="ine", "Edat")) %>% mutate(Defuncions= ifelse(is.na(Defuncions), 0, Defuncions), catEdat= case_match(Edat, 0~ "0", c(1:4)~ "01-04", c(5:9)~ "05-09", c(10:14)~ "10-14", c(15:19)~ "15-19", c(20:24)~ "20-24", c(25:29)~ "25-29", c(30:34)~ "30-34", c(35:39)~ "35-39", c(40:44)~ "40-44", c(45:49)~ "45-49", c(50:54)~ "50-54", c(55:59)~ "55-59", c(60:64)~ "60-64", c(65:69)~ "65-69", c(70:74)~ "70-74", c(75:79)~ "75-79", c(80:84)~ "80-84", c(85:89)~ "85-89", .default = "90 +")) %>% group_by(ine, Municipio, catEdat) %>% summarise(sumDef=sum(Defuncions), pop= sum(Persones)) %>% arrange(ine, catEdat) ods3EV <- tabmort22 %>% group_by(ine) %>% phe_life_expectancy(deaths= sumDef, population = pop, startage = catEdat, age_contents = tabmort22$catEdat[1:20], le_age = "0", type = "standard") %>% rename(ods3.EV= value) # IMPORTANT: amb aquest mètode, l'EV de Barcelona és 84.574. El càlcul que fa l'Agència Municipal de Salut és 84,615 ods3EV_sf <- mun_sf %>% left_join(ods3EV[, c(1,2,4)], by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods3EV_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods3.EV", id= "NOMMUNI", #style = "fixed", n=3, breaks = c(80, 82, 84,87), labels = c("Menys de 80 anys", "82 - 84 anys", "Més de 84 anys"), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Esperança de vida al néixer", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Esperança de vida al néixer (anys): " = "ods3.EV"), popup.format = list( ods3.EV= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=2)) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # Anàlisi ODS3 {data-navmenu="ODS3 - Salut i benestar"} ## Column ### Esperança de vida al néixer i renda familiar disponible bruta/hab. ```{r} EV_RDFB <- municipios_21 %>% inner_join(ods3EV[, c(1,4)]) %>% inner_join(rdfb21[,c(1,3)], by= "ine") %>% mutate(Provincia= ifelse(grepl("^08",ine), "Barcelona", ifelse(grepl("^17",ine), "Girona", ifelse(grepl("^25", ine), "Lleida", ifelse(grepl("^43", ine), "Tarragona", NA)))), ods3.EV= round(ods3.EV,2)) %>% rename(Poblacio= `2021`) R <- cor(EV_RDFB$ods3.EV,EV_RDFB$ods01.rdfb.hab,method = 'pearson') EV_RDFB %>% ggplot(aes(x= ods01.rdfb.hab,y= ods3.EV))+ geom_point(aes(size = Poblacio, color = Provincia, text= paste0("Municipi: ",Municipio, "\nEsperança de vida: ", ods3.EV, "\nRDFB / hab.: ", ods01.rdfb.hab)), alpha= 0.5)+ scale_size(range = c(2, 15)) + scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) + geom_text(aes(x=24000,y=81.5, label= paste0("R= ",round(R,2))))+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + ylab("Esperança de vida al néixer (anys)") + xlab("Renda Familiar Disponible bruta per habitant (€)") + theme_ipsum() + guides(size= "none") + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=8))) #ggplotly(p3, tooltip = 'text') %>% # layout(annotations = list(x = 24000, y = 81.5, # text = paste0("R= ", round(R,2)), showarrow = F) # ) ``` ## Column ### Distribució per províncies ```{r} EV_RDFB %>% group_by(Provincia) %>% mutate(R= cor(ods01.rdfb.hab,ods3.EV)) %>% ggplot(aes(x= ods01.rdfb.hab,y= ods3.EV))+ geom_point(aes(size = Poblacio, color = Provincia, text= paste0("Municipi: ",Municipio, "\nEsperança de vida: ", ods3.EV, "\nRDFB / hab.: ", ods01.rdfb.hab)), alpha= 0.5)+ scale_size(range = c(1, 8)) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + facet_wrap(~Provincia) + geom_text(aes(x=24000,y=81.5, label= paste0("R= ",round(R,2))))+ ylab("Esperança de vida al néixer (anys)") + xlab("Renda Familiar Disponible bruta per habitant (€)") + scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) + theme_ipsum()+ guides(size= "none") + theme(legend.position = "none") #guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=8))) #ggplotly(p4, tooltip = 'text') ``` # ODS4 - Educació de qualitat ## Column ### Completament d'e l'Educació'Estudis Superiors
Completament Educació Superior / Población total
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'iINE (Cens 2021) ```{r} # Lectura del fichero excel sobre datos del Censo 2021, generado en # https://www.ine.es/Censo2021/Wizard.do?WIZARD=4&reqCode=pasoSeleccionGeografia edu2 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS4/Censo_2021_cat_nivEd.xlsx", skip = 13, col_names = FALSE) names(edu2) <- c("Municipio", "Total", 'Primaria e inferior', 'Secundaria.2etapa', 'Segundaria.2etapayPost.sec','Superior','Noaplicable') edu2 <- edu2 |> mutate(ine= str_sub(Municipio, 1,5), Municipio= str_sub(Municipio, 7,100)) |> select(8, 1,3:7) # Fusion con la tabla municipios_21, año 2021 ods4.eduNivel <- municipios_21 |> left_join(edu2[c(1,5,6)], by= 'ine') |> rename(Total= `2021`) |> mutate( ods4.tasaSup= round((Superior/Total)*100,1)) ``` ```{r} ods4.tasaEdu_sf <- mun_sf %>% merge(ods4.eduNivel, by.x = "CODIMUNI", by.y="ine") tm_shape(ods4.tasaEdu_sf) + tm_fill(col= "ods4.tasaSup", id="Municipio", #style = "fixed", #n=7, #breaks = c(0,0.01,0.1,1,5,10,131), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', title = "Taxa completament
Educació Superior (%)", popup.vars=c("Població amb educació superior (%): "= "ods4.tasaSup", "Población total: "= "Total"), popup.format = list(ods4.tasaSup= list(decimal.mark = ","), Total= list(big.mark= ".") ) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Taxa de despesa municipal mitjana en educació
Pressupost Municipal per a la Política de despesa 32 en
Educació (€ per hab.)- Mitjana 2021-2022

Elaboració pròpia sobre dades del Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública (2021 i 2022) ```{r} desp32_22 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS4/desp32-2022.xlsx") desp32_21 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS4/desp32-2021.xlsx") desp32 <- rbind(desp32_22,desp32_21) # Se genera un df con datos económicos de 2022 y 2021 desp32Cat <- desp32 |> filter(TipoAdm== "AA") |> group_by(ine,anyo) |> summarise(Gasto_32= sum(Importe)) |> # Se calcula el importe por municipio y anyo ungroup() |> inner_join(municipios_22, by= "ine") |> # se fusiona con df de municipios valencianos año 2022 group_by(ine) |> # Se agrupa por municipios mutate(PrEdMed= sum(Gasto_32) / length(unique(desp32$anyo))) |> # y se calcula el gasto medio ungroup() |> select(1,4,5,6) |> rename(Total= `2022`) |> # Población total distinct(ine, .keep_all = TRUE) |> mutate(ods4.Gasto_32perHab= round(PrEdMed/Total,2), # Gasto medio /hab. sobre población de 2022 Gasto_en_miles= round(PrEdMed/1000,2)) ods4.desp32Cat <- municipios[, c(1,2)] |> left_join(desp32Cat[,-2], by= 'ine') ods4.d32Cat_sf <- mun_sf %>% left_join(ods4.desp32Cat, by = c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods4.d32Cat_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods4.Gasto_32perHab", id="Municipio", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,50,100,200,400,5000), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Despesa partida educativa
per habitant (€)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Despesa social (en mils d'€): "= "Gasto_en_miles", "Pobalció (habitants): "= "Total", "Despesa educativa/Habitant (€): "= "ods4.Gasto_32perHab"), popup.format = list(Gasto_en_miles= list(big.mark = "."), Total= list(big.mark = "."), ods4.Gasto_32perHab=list(decimal.mark=","))) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # ODS5 - Igualtat de gènere ## Column ### Proporció atur femení (2023)
Proporció de persones aturades de sexe femení sobre el total
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'IDESCAT ```{r} # Dades atur datosParo <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/ODS8/t4299mun_atur23.csv", sep = ";", skip = 6, colClasses = c("character","character", "character","character","character")) %>% mutate(across(starts_with("Sexe"), ~str_replace(., ",", "\\."))) %>% mutate(across(starts_with("Sexe"), ~as.numeric(.))) %>% mutate(Codi= str_sub(Codi, 1,5)) %>% filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43", Codi)) %>% rename(ine=Codi, Municipi= Nom, totAturats= Sexe..Total) ods5.aturFem <- datosParo %>% mutate(ods5.percAtFem= Sexe..Dones/totAturats*100) ods5.aturFem_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods5.aturFem, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods5.aturFem_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods5.percAtFem", id="Municipi", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Dones aturades / total persones aturades (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Dones aturades / total aturats (%): "= "ods5.percAtFem", "Total dones aturades: "= "Sexe..Dones", "Total persones aturades: "= "totAturats"), popup.format = list(ods5.percAtFem= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=1), Sexe..Dones= list(big.mark = "."), totAturats= list(big.mark= ".") ) ) + tm_borders(col="white",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column {.tabset} ### Paritat entre els càrrecs electes dels ens locals
Composició per sexes dels consistoris municipals - Elaboracio pròpia sobre dades publicades per la
Secretaria de Governs Locals i de Relacions amb l'Aran (analisi.transparenciacatalunya.cat)
```{r} codAj <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/ODS5/ajuntaments.csv", skip = 3, header = TRUE, sep = ";", colClasses = c("character","character","character","character")) %>% select(1:4) carrecs <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/ODS5/m5nd-xjza_version_560_240510.csv", colClasses = c("character","character","character","character", "character","character","character","character", "character","character","character")) %>% select(2,11,9,3) carrAj <- codAj %>% inner_join(carrecs, by= c("Codi.ajuntament"="codi_ens")) %>% select(1,2,6,7) genAj <- carrAj %>% count(Codi,sexe) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = sexe, values_from = n, values_fill = 0) %>% mutate(tot.Regidors= D+H, percDones= round(D/tot.Regidors*100,1), ods5.indexParitat= ifelse(percDones>=50,100, round(percDones/50*100,0)), ine= str_sub(Codi, 1,5)) %>% select(7,2:6) ods5genAj <- municipios_23[,1:2] %>% inner_join(genAj[, c(1,5,6)], by= "ine") ods5genAj_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods5genAj, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods5genAj_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods5.indexParitat", id="Municipio", style = "fixed", n=5, breaks = c(0,25,50,75,99, 100), labels = c("0-25: 0%-12.5%", "25-50: 12.5%-25%", "50-75: 25%-37.5%", "75-99: 37.5% - 49.9%", "100: igual o més del 50%"), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Índex paritat als consistoris (0-100)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Índex paritat H/D: "= "ods5.indexParitat", "Presència de dones al consistori (%): "= "percDones"), popup.format = list( percDones=list(decimal.mark=",", digits=0))) + tm_borders(col="white",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ### Diferencial entre imports mitjans en pensions constributives
percebudes per homes i dones
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades recoplades de l'IDESCAT ```{r} pensions <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS5/Pensions.xlsx") pensionsClean <- pensions %>% mutate(Municipio= tolower(Municipio), Municipio= stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII"), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l'", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("'", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("`", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("´","", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(",", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\(", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(")", "", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= gsub("\\s+"," ", Municipio)) pensionsClean <- pensionsClean %>% left_join(munClean, by= "Municipio") ods5.pensions <- municipios[,1:2] %>% left_join(pensionsClean[,-1], by= 'ine') %>% mutate(difD_H= Mitjana_D-Mitjana_H, ods5.percDif= round(difD_H/Mitjana_H*100,1)) ods5.pensions_sf <- mun_sf %>% left_join(ods5.pensions, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods5.pensions_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods5.percDif", id="Municipio", style = "fixed", n=4, breaks = c(-50,-30,-15,-5,5), labels = c("Entre -50% i -30%", "Entre -30% i -15%", "Entre -15% i -5%", "Més de -5%"), palette = c("darkred","tomato3","papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Diferència en import
Dones - Homes (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Diferència mitjana pensions D-H (%): "= "ods5.percDif", "Diferència mitjana pensions D-H (€): "= "difD_H", "Pensió mitjana Homes (€): "= "Mitjana_H", "Pensió mitjana Dones (€): "= "Mitjana_D"), popup.format = list(ods5.percDif=list(decimal.mark=",", digits=1), difD_H= list(big.mark= "."), Mitjana_H= list(big.mark= "."), Mitjana_D= list(big.mark= "."))) + tm_borders(col="white",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # ODS6 - Aigua neta i sanejament ## Column {.tabset} ### Consum d'aigua d'ús domèstic per habitant i dia
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l' Agència Catalana de l'Aigua (ACA) ```{r} consDom <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS6/volum-aigua-consum-municipi.xlsx", skip = 6) %>% select(1,2,5) %>% filter(grepl("^08|17|^25|^43",`Codi Ine`)) %>% rename(ine= `Codi Ine`, Municipio= Municipi, ConsDom_m3= `Domèstic Xarxa...5`) %>% mutate(ConsDom_m3= as.integer(ConsDom_m3)) ods6.consAigua <- municipios_23 %>% inner_join(consDom[,-2], by = 'ine') %>% filter(ConsDom_m3 != 0) %>% mutate(ods6.consHab= round(ConsDom_m3/`2023`*1000/365,1)) ods6.consAigua_sf <- mun_sf %>% left_join(ods6.consAigua, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods6.consAigua_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods6.consHab", id="NOMMUNI", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Taxa de consum diari d'aigua (l/hab.)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Consum diari d'aigua d'ús dia (l/hab.): "= "ods6.consHab", "Consum total anual d'aigua (m3): "= "ConsDom_m3"), popup.format = list(ods6.consHab= list(decimal.mark = ","), ConsDom_m3= list(big.mark = "."))) + tm_borders(col="gray50",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ### Preu de l'aigua de consum domèstic
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l' Agència Catalana de l'Aigua (ACA) ```{r} dfAigua <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS6/Preus_per_municipi_ca.xlsx", sheet = "2023", skip = 11, col_names = TRUE) %>% select(1:2,4:7) names(dfAigua) <- c("ine", "Municipio", "subminist", "canon", "claveg", "ods6.total_m3") ods6.costAigua <- dfAigua %>% mutate(claveg= as.numeric(claveg), subminist= as.numeric(subminist), ine= str_sub(ine, 1,5)) ods6.costAigua_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods6.costAigua, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods6.costAigua_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods6.total_m3", id="NOMMUNI", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Preu de l'aigua (€/m3)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Preu total (€/m3): "= "ods6.total_m3", "Subministrament (€/m3): "= "subminist", "Cànon de l'aigua (€/m3): "= "canon", "Clavegueram (€/m3): "= "claveg" ), popup.format = list(ods6.total_m3= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=3), subminist= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=3), canon= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=3), claveg= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=3) ) ) + tm_borders(col="gray50",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Vulnerabilitat per nitrats en les aigues
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades del Departament d'Acció Climàtica
Alimentació i Agenda Rural
```{r} # Reading and names extraction because there is a bug in the codes of the file munNitClean <- foreign::read.dbf("BasesdeDatos/ODS6/ZonVulNit/ZonVulNit.dbf") %>% rename(Municipio= MUNICIPI) %>% mutate(Municipio= tolower(Municipio), Municipio= stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII"), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l'", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("'", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("`", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("´","", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(",", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\(", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(")", "", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= gsub("\\s+"," ", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^la (.*)", "\\1 la", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^el (.*)", "\\1 el", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^les (.*)", "\\1 les", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^els (.*)", "\\1 els", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= case_match(Municipio, "bigues i riells"~ "bigues i riells del fai", "santa maria de corco"~ "esquirol l", "calonge"~ "calonge i sant antoni", "castell de murs"~ "castell de mur", "roda de bara"~ "roda de bera", "sant carles de la rapita"~ "rapita la", .default = Municipio)) munNitNoms <- munNitClean %>% select(4,6, 10) %>% inner_join(munClean) ods6.munNit <- municipios[, 1:2] %>% left_join(munNitNoms[,-1], by= "ine") %>% mutate(ods6.vuln= factor(ifelse(is.na(CODI_ZV), "No","Sí"), levels= c("No", "Sí"))) ods6.munNit_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods6.munNit, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods6.munNit_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods6.vuln", id="NOMMUNI", style = "fixed", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Vulnerabilitat del municipi
per nitrats a les aigües", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Vulnerabilitat Per nitrats: "= "ods6.vuln", "Codi zona de vulnerabilitat: "= "CODI_ZV", "Decret: "= "DECRET"), popup.format = list(CODI_ZV= list(digits = 0)) ) + tm_borders(col="gray50",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # Mapes ODS7 {data-navmenu="ODS7 - Energia assequible i no contaminant"} ## Column {.tabset} ### Consum Gas Natural Canalitzat
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'Institut Català d’Energia (ICAEN) via Dades Obertes Catalunya ```{r} gas2022 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS7/consumGas.xlsx") %>% filter(ANY== 2022) %>% select(1,2,7) ods7.gasMun22 <- municipios_22 %>% left_join(gas2022, by= c("ine"= "CDMUN")) %>% select(1,2,3,5) %>% rename(Poblacio= `2022`) %>% mutate(ods7.gas.hab.dia= round(Consum..kWh.PCS./Poblacio/365,2)) ods7.gasMun22_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods7.gasMun22, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods7.gasMun22_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods7.gas.hab.dia", id="Municipio", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Consum de gas en Kwh PCS/hab. i dia (2022)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Consum diari de gas en Kwh PCS/hab.: "= "ods7.gas.hab.dia", "Consum total (Kwh PCS): "= "Consum..kWh.PCS.", "Població municipi: "= "Poblacio"), popup.format = list(ods7.gas.hab.dia= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=2), Consum..kWh.PCS.= list(big.mark = "."), Poblacio= list(big.mark = ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray50",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ### Instal·lacions d'autoconsum fotovoltaic cada
100 habitants
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de Dades Obertes Catalunya ```{r} insAut <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS7/autoconsumFoto.xlsx") ods7.tasaFot <- municipios_23 %>% left_join(insAut, by= "ine") %>% rename(Poblacio= `2023`) %>% mutate(ods7.tasa.Ins= round(n.Inst/Poblacio*100,2), ods7.tasa.Pot= round(potencia/Poblacio*100,2)) ods7.tasaFot_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods7.tasaFot, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods7.tasaFot_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods7.tasa.Ins", id="Municipio", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Instal·lacions fotovoltaiques / 100 hab.", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Instal·lacions / 100 ha.: "= "ods7.tasa.Ins", "Nombre instal·lacions: "= "n.Inst", "Població municipi: "= "Poblacio" ), popup.format = list(ods7.tasa.Ins= list(decimal.mark = ","), n.Inst= list(big.mark = "."), Poblacio= list(big.mark = ".") ) ) + tm_borders(col="gray50",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column {.tabset} ```{r} #============================ # BAIXA EFICIÈNCIA ENERGÈTICA #============================ # Lectura del fichero de IVACE descargado y procesado previamente (ver Bases de datos/ODS7) dfEfEn <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS7/etiqEner.xlsx") # Lectura ods7.defEn <- dfEfEn %>% left_join(municipios_23[,1:2]) %>% select(1,10,2:9) %>% mutate(totFG = F+G, ods7.propFG= round(totFG/tot.ine*100,1)) %>% filter(tot.ine >= 10) %>% select(1,2,3,11,12) ``` ### Índex de risc de vulnerabilitat energètica
Índex compost calculat amb base al risc de pobresa, a la taxa d'edificis
amb baixa qualificacó energètica i a les zones climàtiques

Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'INE i de l'ICAE ```{r} #=============================== # ZONES CLIMÀTIQUES DE CATALUNYA #=============================== zonesClim <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS7/zonesClim.xlsx") zonesClClean <- zonesClim %>% rename(Municipio= MUNICIPIS) %>% mutate(Municipio= tolower(Municipio), Municipio= stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII"), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l'", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("'", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("`", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("´","", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(",", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\(", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(")", "", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= gsub("\\s+"," ", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^la (.*)", "\\1 la", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^el (.*)", "\\1 el", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^les (.*)", "\\1 les", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^els (.*)", "\\1 els", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= case_match(Municipio, "bigues i riells"~ "bigues i riells del fai", "fogars de tordera"~ "fogars de la selva", "palau - solita i plegamans"~ "palau-solita i plegamans", "santa maria de corco"~ "esquirol l", "brunyola"~ "brunyola i sant marti sapresa", "boadella demporda"~ "boadella i les escaules", "calonge"~ "calonge i sant antoni", "castell-platja daro"~ "castell daro platja daro i sagaro", "cruilles monells i"~ "cruilles monells i sant sadurni de lheura", "forallac vulpellac"~ "forallac", "isovol all"~ "isovol", "st. julia de llor i bonmati"~ "sant julia del llor i bonmati", "saus camallera i"~ "saus camallera i llampaies", "alt aneu valencia daneu"~ "alt aneu", "arres de jos"~ "arres", "cava ansovell"~ "cava", "farrera burc"~ "farrera", "gimenells i pla de la font"~ "gimenells i el pla de la font", "granyanella curullada"~ "granyanella", "naut aran salardu"~ "naut aran", "olius pi de sant just"~ "olius", "plans de sio pallargues"~ "plans de sio els", "ribera durgellet s. tirs"~ "ribera durgellet", "vall de boi barruera"~ "vall de boi la", "vall de cardos ribera de"~ "vall de cardos", "valls daguilar noves seg."~ "valls daguilar les", "valls del valira les"~ "valls de valira les", "aiguamurcia sts. creus"~ "aiguamurcia", "montmellel juncosa"~ "montmell el", "roda de bara"~ "roda de bera", "sant carles de la rapita"~ "rapita la", "vandellos i lhospitalet"~ "vandellos i lhospitalet de linfant", "vimbodi"~ "vimbodi i poblet", .default = as.character(Municipio))) %>% distinct(Municipio, .keep_all = TRUE) climes <- zonesClClean %>% left_join(munClean, by= "Municipio") %>% mutate(escalaClim= case_match(zona, c("B3", "C1", "C2")~ 1, c("D1", "D3")~ 2, "E1"~ 3, .default = NA)) climesIndex <- municipios[,1:2] %>% inner_join(climes[, c(3,4,5)], by= "ine") %>% mutate(indexClim= (escalaClim-min(escalaClim))/(max(escalaClim-min(escalaClim)))) ``` ```{r} pobrIndex <- pobr %>% select(1,2,4) %>% mutate(indexPobr= round((ods10.Pobr - min(ods10.Pobr, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(ods10.Pobr, na.rm = TRUE)- min(ods10.Pobr, na.rm = TRUE)),2)) enerIndex <- ods7.defEn %>% select(1,2,5) %>% mutate(indexEnr= round((ods7.propFG - min(ods7.propFG, na.rm = TRUE)) / (max(ods7.propFG, na.rm = TRUE)- min(ods7.propFG, na.rm = TRUE)),2)) ods7.pobEnIn <- pobrIndex %>% select(1,2,4) %>% inner_join(climesIndex[, c(1,5)],by= "ine") %>% left_join(enerIndex[,c(1,4)], by= "ine") %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(m= mean(c(indexClim, indexEnr)), ods7.inPobEn= mean(c(indexPobr, m))) ods7.PobrEn_sf <- mun_sf |> inner_join(ods7.pobEnIn, by = c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) # tmap_mode("plot") tm_shape(ods7.PobrEn_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods7.inPobEn", id="Municipio", #style = "quantile", #n=4, #breaks = c(0,1,2,3,4), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Índex de vulner. \nenergètica", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', legend.hist = TRUE, popup.vars= c("Índex de vulnerabilitat enegètica: "= "ods7.inPobEn", "Índex de risc de pobresa: "= "indexPobr", "Índex d'ineficiència energètica: "= "indexEnr", "Índex de zona climàtica: "= "indexClim"), popup.format = list(ods7.inPobEn= list(decimal.mark = ","), indexPobr= list(decimal.mark = ","), indexEnr= list(decimal.mark = ","), indexClim= list(decimal.mark = ",")) ) + tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE)+ tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # Anàlisi ODS7 {data-navmenu="ODS7 - Energia assequible i no contaminant"} ## Column {.tabset} ### Nombre instal·lacions fotovoltaiques d'autoconsum i RDFB/hab. ```{r} # TASA AUTOCONSUM I RENDA DISPONIBLE FAMILIAR BRUTA autoc_RDFB <- municipios_23 %>% inner_join(ods7.tasaFot[, c(1,6)], by= "ine") %>% inner_join(rdfb21[,c(1,3)], by= "ine") %>% filter(!is.na(ods7.tasa.Ins) & !is.na(ods01.rdfb.hab)) %>% mutate(Provincia= ifelse(grepl("^08",ine), "Barcelona", ifelse(grepl("^17",ine), "Girona", ifelse(grepl("^25", ine), "Lleida", ifelse(grepl("^43", ine), "Tarragona", NA))))) %>% rename(Poblacio= `2023`) R <- cor(autoc_RDFB$ods01.rdfb.hab, autoc_RDFB$ods7.tasa.Ins) autoc_RDFB %>% ggplot(aes(x= ods01.rdfb.hab,y= ods7.tasa.Ins))+ geom_point(aes(size = Poblacio, color = Provincia, text= paste0("Municipi: ",Municipio, "\nInstal·lacions fotovoltaiques / 100 hab.: ", ods7.tasa.Ins, "\nRDFB / hab.: ", ods01.rdfb.hab)), alpha= 0.5)+ scale_size(range = c(2, 15)) + scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + geom_text(aes(x = 27500, y = 1, label= paste0("R= ", round(R,2)))) + ylab("Nombre d'instal·lacions fotovoltaiques / 100 hab.") + xlab("Renda Familiar Disponible bruta per habitant (€)") + theme_ipsum() + guides(size= "none") + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=8))) #ggplotly(p5, tooltip = 'text') %>% # layout(annotations = list(x = 27500, y = 1, # text = paste0("R= ", round(R,2)), showarrow = F) # ) ``` ### Nombre instal·lacions fotovoltaiques d'autoconsum i RDFB/hab segons densitat poblacional ```{r} info_munDens <- info_mun %>% mutate(nivDensitat= cut(Densitat_h.km2, breaks = c(0,1000,2000,4000, max(info_mun$Densitat_h.km2)), labels = c("<1.000 hab./km2", "1.000-2.000 hab./km2 ", "2.000-4.000 hab./km2", ">4.000 hab/km2"))) %>% mutate(Provincia= ifelse(grepl("^08",ine), "Barcelona", ifelse(grepl("^17",ine), "Girona", ifelse(grepl("^25", ine), "Lleida", ifelse(grepl("^43", ine), "Tarragona", NA))))) %>% rename(Poblacio= Població) autoc_RDFB.dens <- autoc_RDFB[, c(1,2,4,5)] %>% inner_join(info_munDens[,c(3,6,8,9)], by= "ine") R2 <- autoc_RDFB.dens %>% group_by(nivDensitat) %>% summarise(Cor=cor(ods01.rdfb.hab, ods7.tasa.Ins)) ggplot(autoc_RDFB.dens,aes(x= ods01.rdfb.hab,y= ods7.tasa.Ins))+ geom_point(aes(size = Poblacio, color = Provincia), alpha= 0.5)+ facet_wrap(~nivDensitat, ncol = 2) + geom_text(data = R2 ,aes(x=27500,y=1.25,label = paste0("R= ",round(Cor,2))), size = 4)+ scale_size(range = c(2, 15)) + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE)+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + ylab("Nombre d'intal·lacions/100 hab.") + xlab("Renda Familiar Disponible bruta per habitant (€)") + theme_ipsum() + guides(size= "none") + theme(legend.position = "none") ``` ### Ineficiència energètica dels edificis i RDFB / hab. ```{r} # POTENCIA INSTAL·LADA I INEFICIENCIA DELS EDIFICIS pot_RDFB <- municipios_23 %>% inner_join(ods7.defEn[, c(1,5)], by= "ine") %>% inner_join(rdfb21[,c(1,3)], by= "ine") %>% filter(!is.na(ods7.propFG) & !is.na(ods01.rdfb.hab)) %>% mutate(Provincia= ifelse(grepl("^08",ine), "Barcelona", ifelse(grepl("^17",ine), "Girona", ifelse(grepl("^25", ine), "Lleida", ifelse(grepl("^43", ine), "Tarragona", NA))))) %>% rename(Poblacio= `2023`) R <- cor(pot_RDFB$ods01.rdfb.hab, pot_RDFB$ods7.propFG) pot_RDFB %>% ggplot(aes(x= ods01.rdfb.hab,y= ods7.propFG))+ geom_point(aes(size = Poblacio, color = Provincia, text= paste0("Municipi: ",Municipio, "\nIneficiència energètica edificis (%): ", ods7.propFG, "\nRDFB / hab.: ", ods01.rdfb.hab)), alpha= 0.5)+ scale_size(range = c(2, 15)) + scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + geom_text(aes(x = 27500, y = 55, label= paste0("R= ", round(R,2)))) + ylab("Ineficiència enrgètica edificis (%)") + xlab("Renda Familiar Disponible bruta per habitant (€)") + theme_ipsum() + guides(size= "none") + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=8))) #ggplotly(p6, tooltip = 'text') %>% # layout(annotations = list(x = 27500, y = 55, # text = paste0("R= ", round(R,2)), showarrow = F) # ) ``` ## Column {.tabset} ### Consum gas natural canalitzat i RBDF / hab. ```{r} gas_rdb_clim <- climes %>% select(4,5) %>% mutate(escalaClim= case_match(escalaClim, 1~ "Zona 1 (B i C)", 2~ "Zona 2 (D)", 3~ "Zona 3 (E)", .default= as.factor(escalaClim)), escalaClim= factor(escalaClim, levels= c("Zona 1 (B i C)", "Zona 2 (D)", "Zona 3 (E)")) ) %>% left_join(ods7.gasMun22[,-4], by= "ine") %>% inner_join(rdfb21[,c(1,3)]) %>% filter(!is.na(ods7.gas.hab.dia) & !is.na(ods01.rdfb.hab)) R <- gas_rdb_clim %>% #group_by(escalaClim) %>% summarise(R= cor(ods01.rdfb.hab,ods7.gas.hab.dia)) ggplot(gas_rdb_clim,aes(x= ods01.rdfb.hab,y= ods7.gas.hab.dia))+ geom_point(aes(size = Poblacio, color = escalaClim, text= paste0("Municipi: ",Municipio, "\nConsum de gas/hab.i dia: ", ods7.gas.hab.dia, "\nRDFB / hab.: ", ods01.rdfb.hab)), alpha= 0.5)+ #facet_wrap(~escalaClim, ncol = 2) + scale_size(range = c(2, 15)) + scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + geom_text(aes(x = 27500, y = 1.25, label = paste0("R= ",round(R,2)))) + ylab("Consum de gas/hab.i dia") + xlab("Renda Familiar Disponible bruta per habitant (€)") + theme_ipsum() + guides(size= "none") + guides(colour = guide_legend(title = "Zona climàtica")) #ggplotly(p7, tooltip = 'text') %>% # layout(annotations = list(x = 27500, y = 1.25, # text = paste0("R= ", round(R,2)), showarrow = F)) ``` ### Consum gas natural canalitzat i RBDF / hab. segons zona climàtica ```{r} R <- gas_rdb_clim %>% group_by(escalaClim) %>% summarise(R= cor(ods01.rdfb.hab,ods7.gas.hab.dia)) ggplot(gas_rdb_clim,aes(x= ods01.rdfb.hab,y= ods7.gas.hab.dia))+ geom_point(aes(size = Poblacio, color = escalaClim), alpha= 0.5)+ facet_wrap(~escalaClim, ncol = 2) + # són els vectors .x i .y que van més avall geom_text(data = R ,aes(x=27500,y=1.25,label = paste0("R= ",round(R,2))), size = 4)+ scale_size(range = c(2, 15)) + scale_color_brewer(palette="Dark2")+ geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + ylab("Consum de gas/hab.i dia") + xlab("Renda Familiar Disponible bruta per habitant (€)") + theme_ipsum() + guides(size= "none") + theme(legend.position = "none") #guides(colour = guide_legend(title = "Zona climàtica")) #guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=8))) ``` # ODS8: Treball decent i creixement econòmic ## Column ### Taxa d'aturats sobre total persones 16-64 anys (2023)
Nombre persones demandants de feina sobre el total de persones entre 16 i 65 anys Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'IDESCAT ```{r} # Aturats 2023 # Recupera la població any a any pob16_64 <- mun_anyoanyo_2022 |> mutate(catEdat= ifelse(edat >15 & edat < 65, "16-64", "<16 i >64") ) %>% group_by(ine,catEdat) %>% summarise(totEdat=sum(n)) %>% ungroup() %>% group_by(ine) %>% mutate(totMun= sum(totEdat)) %>% filter(catEdat== "16-64") %>% filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43",ine)) ods8.tasaParo <- datosParo %>% select(1,2,5) %>% inner_join(pob16_64[, c(1,3)], by= 'ine') |> mutate(ods8.tasaParo= round(totAturats/totEdat*100,1)) ods8.tasaParo_sf <- mun_sf |> left_join(ods8.tasaParo, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tmap_mode("view") tm_shape(ods8.tasaParo_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods8.tasaParo", id="Municipi", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Aturats sobre població
16-64 anys (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa d'aturats (%): "= "ods8.tasaParo", "Nombre mitjà aturats (2023): "= "totAturats", "Població entre 16 i 64 anys (2022)"= "totEdat"), popup.format = list(ods8.tasaParo= list(decimal.mark = ","), totAturats= list(big.mark = "."), totEdat= list(big.mark = "."))) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Taxa de creixement econòmic (2021-2022)
Taxa de creixement en % del PIB per càpita (2021-2022) Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'IDESCAT ```{r} ods8.pib <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS8/pibc-13830-14779-mun.xlsx", sheet = 2, skip = 1) %>% mutate(ine= str_sub(...1,2,6), Municipi= str_sub(...1, 10,100), ods8.tasPib= (`2021`-`2020`)/`2020`*100) %>% select(4,5,6,2,3) %>% rename(pib2020= `2020`, pib2021= `2021`) ods8.pib_sf <- mun_sf %>% left_join(ods8.pib, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods8.pib_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods8.tasPib", id="NOMMUNI", style = "fixed", n=5, breaks = c(min(ods8.pib_sf$ods8.tasPib,na.rm = TRUE),0,2,5,max(ods8.pib_sf$ods8.tasPib, na.rm = TRUE)), palette = c("red","papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Taxa de variació del PIB/hab. (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Valor ausente', popup.vars=c("Taxa de variació del PIB/hab. (%): "= "ods8.tasPib", "PIB/hab. - 2020: "= "pib2020", "PIB/hab. - 2021: "= "pib2021"), popup.format = list(ods8.tasPib= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits=2), pib2020=list(decimal.mark = ","), pib2021=list(decimal.mark = ",")) )+ tm_borders(col="gray60",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # ODS9 - Indústria, innovació i infrastructura ## Column{.tabset} ### Taxa de treballadors de la indústria (2023)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'IDESCAT ```{r} ods9.sectors <- read.csv("BasesdeDatos/ODS9/t14983mun202304_P.csv", skip = 10, sep = ";", colClasses = c("character", "character", "integer", "integer","integer","integer","integer")) %>% filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43",Codi)) %>% rename(ine= Codi, Municipi= Nom) %>% mutate(ods9.percInd= round(Indústria/Total*100,1), ine= str_sub(ine, 1,5)) ods9.sectors_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods9.sectors, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods9.sectors_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods9.percInd", id="Municipio", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Taxa de treballadors de la indústria (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de treballadors de la indústria (%): "= "ods9.percInd", "Nombre de treballadors en la indústria: "= "Indústria", "Total de treballadors: "= "Total" ), popup.format = list(ods9.percInd= list(decimal.mark = ","), Indústria= list(big.mark = "."), Total= list(big.mark = ".") ) ) + tm_borders(col="gray50",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ### Taxa d'establiments industrials (2023)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'INE ```{r} ods9.taxEmpInd <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS9/establiments.xlsx") %>% mutate(ods9.taxEmpInd= round(emprInd/totEmpr*100,1)) ods9.taxEmpInd_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods9.taxEmpInd, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods9.taxEmpInd_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods9.taxEmpInd", id="Municipio", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Taxa d'establiments industrials (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa d'establiments industrials (%): "= "ods9.taxEmpInd", "Nombre establiments industrials: "= "emprInd", "Total empreses: "= "totEmpr" ), popup.format = list(ods9.taxEmpInd= list(decimal.mark = ","), emprInd= list(big.mark = "."), totEmpr= list(big.mark = ".") ) ) + tm_borders(col="gray50",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Taxa de cobertura de la banda ampla (2021)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades del Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública ```{r} ods9.cobBAmpla <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS9/bandaAmpla.xlsx") %>% mutate(ods9.cob100Mbps= round(ods9.cob100Mbps*100,1)) ods9.cobBAmpla_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods9.cobBAmpla, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods9.cobBAmpla_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods9.cob100Mbps", id="Municipio", style = "fixed", n=5, breaks = c(0, 5, 75, 97.5, 100), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Taxa de la cobertura de la
banda a 100 Mbps (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de combertura de la banda ampla (%): "= "ods9.cob100Mbps"), popup.format = list(ods9.cob100Mbps= list(decimal.mark = ",") ) ) + tm_borders(col="gray50",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # ODS10 - Reducció de les desigualdats ## Column {.tabset} ### Taxa de risc de pobresa
Població camb ingressos per unitat de consum per sota del 60% de la mediana
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'INE ```{r} tm_shape(pobr_sf)+ tm_fill(col="ods10.Pobr", id="Municipio", #style = "fixed", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,50,100,1000,2000,5000), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Taxa de risc de pobresa (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-'), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de risc de pobresa (%): "= "ods10.Pobr")) + tm_borders(col="grey40",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) + tmap_options(basemaps = "Esri.WorldImagery", basemaps.alpha = 1) ``` ### Índex Gini (2021)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'INE (2021) ```{r} # Lectura y procesamiento datos descargados del Atlas de distribución de renta de los hogares - INE: https://www.ine.es/dynt3/inebase/index.htm?padre=7132 tasaBcn_Gini <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS10/37686.xlsx", skip = 8, col_names = FALSE, col_types = c("text", "numeric")) |> rename(Municipio= ...1, ods10.gini= ...2) |> filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43", Municipio)) |> select(1,2) tasaGi_Gini <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS10/37697.xlsx", skip = 8, col_names = FALSE, col_types = c("text", "numeric")) |> rename(Municipio= ...1, ods10.gini= ...2) |> filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43", Municipio)) |> select(1,2) tasaLLe_Gini <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS10/37704.xlsx", skip = 8, col_names = FALSE, col_types = c("text", "numeric")) |> rename(Municipio= ...1, ods10.gini= ...2) |> filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43", Municipio)) |> select(1,2) tasaTa_Gini <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS10/37718.xlsx", skip = 8, col_names = FALSE, col_types = c("text", "numeric")) |> rename(Municipio= ...1, ods10.gini= ...2) |> filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43", Municipio)) |> select(1,2) ods10.Gini <- rbind(tasaBcn_Gini,tasaGi_Gini,tasaLLe_Gini,tasaTa_Gini) |> mutate(ine= str_sub(Municipio, 1, 5), Municipio= str_sub(Municipio, 7,100)) |> select(3,1,2) ods10.Gini_sf <-mun_sf |> inner_join(ods10.Gini, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods10.Gini_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods10.gini", id="Municipio", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Índex Gini 1-100 (2021)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Índex Gini (1-100): "= "ods10.gini"), popup.format = list(ods10.gini= list(decimal.mark = ","))) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(prov_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Taxa de dependència (2022)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'INE 2022 ```{r} # Datos del Estadística del padrón continuo. # Padrón municipal de 2022 de población de 16-24 años # Recuperamos objeto, mun_anyoanyo_2022 población año a año. ods10.Dep <- mun_anyoanyo_2022 %>% mutate(catEdat= ifelse(edat>64, "mas64", ifelse(edat<=64 & edat>15, "de16a64", ifelse(edat<=15, "menos16", NA) ) ) ) %>% group_by(ine, catEdat) %>% summarise(suma= sum(n)) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = catEdat,values_from = suma) %>% select(1,4,2,3) %>% mutate(ods10.dep= round((menos16+mas64)/de16a64*100,1)) %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(Total= sum(c_across(menos16:mas64))) %>% filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43",ine)) ods10.Dep_sf <- mun_sf |> inner_join(ods10.Dep, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods10.Dep_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods10.dep", id="NOMMUNI", style = "quantile", #n=5, #breaks = c(0,1,4,41), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Taxa de dependència (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de dependència - 2022 (%): "= "ods10.dep", "Població total -2022: "= "Total"), popup.format = list(ods10.dep= list(decimal.mark = ","), Total= list(big.mark = "."))) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # Mapes ODS11 {data-navmenu="ODS11 - Ciutats i comunitats sostenibles"} ## Column {.tabset} ### Pes relatiu del cost del lloguer (2021)
Proporció del preu del lloguer anual de l'habitatge envers la renda anual per llar
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades obertes del Departament de Territori i de l'INE ```{r} a <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS11/30896.xlsx", skip = 7, col_names = TRUE, col_types = c("text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric")) %>% filter(grepl("^[0-9]",...1)) b<- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS11/31016.xlsx", skip = 7, col_names = TRUE, col_types = c("text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric")) %>% filter(grepl("^[0-9]",...1)) c<- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS11/31079.xlsx", skip = 7, col_names = TRUE, col_types = c("text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric")) %>% filter(grepl("^[0-9]",...1)) d<- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS11/31223.xlsx", skip = 7, col_names = TRUE, col_types = c("text", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric", "numeric")) %>% filter(grepl("^[0-9]",...1)) rFam <- bind_rows(a,b,c,d) %>% mutate(ine= str_sub(...1, 1,5), Municipi= str_sub(...1, 7,100)) %>% select(9:10,2:8) cllog <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS11/costlloguer.xlsx") ods11.accsHab <- rFam %>% select(1,2,9) %>% rename(rFam= `2021`) %>% left_join(cllog, by= 'ine') %>% mutate(ods11.indAcc= round(12*rendaHabM/rFam*100,1)) ods11.accsHab_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods11.accsHab,by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods11.accsHab_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods11.indAcc", id="Municipi", style = "quantile", n=5, #breaks = c(0,.5,2,21.4), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Cost de l'habitatge
vs. renda familiar (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Cost de l'habitatge l'habitatge vs. renda familiar (%): "= "ods11.indAcc", "Cost mensual mitjà del lloguer (2021): "= "rendaHabM", "Renda neta familiar anual mitjana (2021): "= "rFam"), popup.format = list(ods11.indAcc= list(decimal.mark = ","), rendaHabM= list(big.mark= ".", decimal.mark= ",", digits=1), rFam= list(big.mark= ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column {.tabset} ### Índex de motorització (2020)
Nombre de turismes cada 1000 habitants
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de l'Observatori de la Mobilitat de Catalunya ```{r } ods11.InMot1000 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS11/motoritzacio.xlsx") %>% mutate(InMot1000= ifelse(InMot1000> 1500, NA, InMot1000)) %>% rename(ods11.InMot1000= InMot1000) ods11.InMot1000_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods11.InMot1000[, c(1,2,5)], by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods11.InMot1000_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods11.InMot1000", id="Municipi", style = "quantile", n=5, #breaks = c(0,.5,2,21.4), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Índex de motorització", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Valor ausente', popup.vars=c("Índex de motorització (Turismes/1000 hab.): "= "ods11.InMot1000")) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ### Àrea urbana verda pública per habitant Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de la Direcció d'Ordenació del Territori, Urbanisme i
Arquitectura Via Dades Oberts Catalunya
```{r} ods11.supVerd_hab <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS11/zonesverdes.xlsx") %>% rename(ine= codi_ine_5_txt, Municipi= nommun, ods11.supVerd_hab= `_19_zverdes_habt`) %>% select(3,4,6) ods11.supVerd_hab_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods11.supVerd_hab, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods11.supVerd_hab_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods11.supVerd_hab", id="Municipi", style = "quantile", n=5, #breaks = c(0,.5,2,21.4), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Área verda pública per hab.", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ",", big.mark= "."), textNA = 'Valor ausente', popup.vars=c("Área verda pública/hab (m2/hab.): "= "ods11.supVerd_hab"), popup.format = list(ods11.supVerd_hab= list(decimal.mark= ",", big.mark= ".", digits=2))) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # Cost del lloguer 2007-2023 {data-navmenu="ODS11 - Ciutats i comunitats sostenibles"} ## Column{data-width="250"} ### Filtres ```{r} llog_0723 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS11/costlloguer_07-23.xlsx") %>% inner_join(municipios[, 1:2]) %>% mutate(rendaHabM= round(rendaHabM,2)) %>% #filter(any > 2014 & any < 2022) %>% select(1,5,2,4) rFam1521 <- rFam %>% pivot_longer(cols = 3:9, names_to = 'any', values_to = 'rFam') %>% mutate(any= as.numeric(any), rFam= rFam/12) llog_0723b <- llog_0723 %>% left_join(rFam1521[, c(1,3,4)], by= c('ine', 'any')) %>% pivot_longer(cols = 4:5) %>% mutate(value= round(value,2), name= case_match(name, "rendaHabM"~ "Cost lloguer mensual", "rFam"~ "Renda Familiar", .default = as.character(name))) %>% rename(variable= name, valor= value) sd3 <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(llog_0723b) #f1 <- filter_select( # id = "comarca2", # label = "Selecciona les comarques", # sharedData = sd2, # group = ~Comarca, # multiple = TRUE #) filter_select( id = "municipi3", label = "Selecciona els municipis", sharedData = sd3, group = ~Municipio, multiple = TRUE ) ``` ```{js} /* chunk que s'afegeix per poder preseleccionar un valor */ function filter_default() { document.getElementById("municipi3").getElementsByClassName("selectized") [0].selectize.setValue(["Barcelona"], false); } $(document).ready(filter_default); ``` ## Column{.tabset} ### Cost del lloguer mensual 2007-2023: gràfic ```{r} pll <- ggplot(sd3, aes(x= factor(any), y=valor, group= variable, colour= Municipio, text= paste0(Municipio, "\nAny: ",any, "\nVariable: ",variable, "\nValor: ", round(valor,2)) ))+ #geom_point()+ geom_line(data = . %>% filter(variable== 'Cost lloguer mensual')) + theme_ipsum() + theme(legend.position = 'none', axis.title.y = element_text(size=18), axis.title.x = element_text(size=18)) + #scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE)+ #guides(col = guide_colourbar(title = "Variable"))+ ylab("Cost")+ xlab("Any") ggplotly(pll, tooltip = 'text') ``` ### Lloguer i renda familiar 2015-2021: gràfic ```{r} pll <- ggplot(sd3, aes(x= any, y=valor, group = variable, colour = Municipio, text= paste0(Municipio, "\nAny: ",any, "\nVariable: ",variable, "\nValor: ", round(valor,2)) ))+ #geom_point()+ geom_line(data = . %>% filter(any > 2014 & any < 2022))+ theme_ipsum() + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size=18), axis.title.x = element_text(size=18), legend.position = 'none') + #scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE)+ guides(col = guide_colourbar(title = "Variable"))+ ylab("Valor")+ xlab("Any") ggplotly(pll, tooltip = 'text') %>% layout(autosize = F, width = 500, height = 650) ``` ```{r eval=FALSE} plot_ly(llog_0723[,-1], x = ~any, y = ~value, type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines', split = ~variable, color = ~Municipio, hovertext = ~ paste0(Municipio, "\nAny: ", any, "\nLloguer mensual mitjà (€): ",rendaHabM), hoverinfo = "text") %>% layout(xaxis = list(title = "Any"), yaxis = list(title = "Lloguer mensual mitjà (€)", range= c(0,2000)), showlegend= FALSE, autosize = F, width = 500, height = 500) ``` ### Lloguer i renda familiar 2007-2023: tabla ```{r} datatable(sd3, colnames = c("Cod. INE", "Municipi", "Any", "Indicador", "Valor indicador (€/mes)"), class = 'display', extensions = 'Buttons', options = list(dom = 'Blfrtip', buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel'))) ``` # ODS12 - Producció i consum responsables ## Column{.tabset} ### Recollida selectiva per habitant (2022)
Recollida selectiva en kg/hab. i any
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de Departament d'Acció Climàtica,
Alimentació i Agenda Rural
```{r } ods12.residus22 <- readxl::read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS12/residus22.xlsx") %>% select(3,4,24,25) %>% mutate(codi_municipi= str_sub(codi_municipi, 1,5)) %>% rename(ine=codi_municipi, Municipi= municipi, ods12.select.kg_hab= kg_hab_any_recollida_selectiva, ods12.fr_selectiva = r_s_r_m_total) ods12.select.hab_sf <- mun_sf |> inner_join(ods12.residus22[, c(1,3,4)], by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods12.select.hab_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods12.select.kg_hab", id="NOMMUNI", style = "quantile", n=5, #breaks = c(0,10,20,30, 40, 100), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Recollida selectiva: 2022 (kg/hab.)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Valor ausente', popup.vars=c("recollida selectiva: 2022 (kg/hab.): "= "ods12.select.kg_hab"), popup.format = list(ods12.select.kg_hab= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits= 1)) ) + tm_borders(col="gray60",lwd=0.8)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Fracció de recollida selectiva sobre recollida total (2022)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de Departament d'Acció Climàtica,
Alimentació i Agenda Rural
```{r } tm_shape(ods12.select.hab_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods12.fr_selectiva", id="NOMMUNI", style = "quantile", n=5, #breaks = c(0,10,20,30, 40, 100), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Fraccio recollida selectiva sobre
recollida total (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Valor ausente', popup.vars=c("Fracció recollida selectiva (%): "= "ods12.fr_selectiva"), popup.format = list(ods12.fr_selectiva= list(decimal.mark = ",", digits= 2)) ) + tm_borders(col="gray60",lwd=0.8)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=2)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # ODS13 Acció pel clima ## Column ### Despesa municipal en medi ambient (Política 17)
Import de la Política 17 per habitant
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades del Ministerio de Hacienda y
Función Pública (2022)
```{r} despMA <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS13/desp17MediAmb-2022.xlsx") %>% filter(grepl("^08|^17|^25|^43", ine)) despMA22 <- despMA %>% left_join(municipios_22, by= "ine") |> # Se fusiona con el df de población municipal de 2022 filter(TipoAdm== "AA") %>% group_by(ine,Municipio) |> mutate(ods13.Gasto_17= sum(Importe), ods13.Gasto_17perHab= round(ods13.Gasto_17/`2022`,2)) %>% mutate(ods13.Gasto_en_miles= round(ods13.Gasto_17/1000,0)) %>% select(ine,Municipio,`2022`,ods13.Gasto_17,ods13.Gasto_17perHab, ods13.Gasto_en_miles) %>% rename(Total= `2022`) %>% distinct(ine, Municipio,Total,ods13.Gasto_17,ods13.Gasto_17perHab, ods13.Gasto_en_miles) ods13.despMA_sf <- mun_sf |> left_join(despMA22, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods13.despMA_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods13.Gasto_17perHab", id="NOMMUNI", style = "quantile", n=5, #breaks = c(0,10,20,30, 40, 100), palette = c("papayawhip","darkgreen"), title = "Despesa municipal en medi ambient / hab. (€)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Despesa municipal en medi ambient / hab. (€): "= "ods13.Gasto_17perHab", "Despesa municipal en medi ambient (mils d'€)"= "ods13.Gasto_en_miles"), popup.format = list(ods13.Gasto_17perHab= list(big.mark = "."), ods13.Gasto_en_miles= list(big.mark = ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray60",lwd=0.8)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Participació en compromisos internacionals pel clima
Participació al Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de la UE de projectes
i signataris del GC of Mayors
```{r} datosGC <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS13/datosGlobalCoventant.xlsx") datosGCclean <- datosGC %>% rename(Municipio= organisation_name) %>% mutate(Municipio= tolower(Municipio), Municipio= stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII"), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l'", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("'", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("`", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("´","", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(",", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\(", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(")", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\s+"," ", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^la (.*)", "\\1 la", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^el (.*)", "\\1 el", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^les (.*)", "\\1 les", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^els (.*)", "\\1 els", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= gsub("\\s+"," ", Municipio)) %>% mutate(Municipio= case_match(Municipio, # S'exclou Pallars Sobirà i Serra d'Estela "bigues i riells"~ "bigues i riells del fai", "castellnou del bages"~ "castellnou de bages", "vila de llivia"~ "llivia", "rabos demporda"~ "rabos", "calonge"~ "calonge i sant antoni", "vall de bianya"~ "vall de bianya la", "castell-platja daro"~ "castell daro platja daro i sagaro", "port de la selva"~ "port de la selva el", "ajuntament dargelaguer"~ "argelaguer", "guingueta la"~ "guingueta daneu la", "vall de boi"~ "vall de boi la", "pont de suert"~ "pont de suert el", "albages"~ "albages l", "espluga calba"~ "espluga calba l", "cervia de les garriges"~ "cervia de les garrigues", "ajuntament despinelves"~ "espinelves", "gimenells i pla de la font"~ "gimenells i el pla de la font", "morera de montsant"~ "morera de montsant la", "mont-roig de camp"~ "mont-roig del camp", "pinell de brai"~ "pinell de brai el", "pla de santa maria"~ "pla de santa maria el", "prat de compte"~ "prat de comte", "vespella del gaia"~ "vespella de gaia", "pont darmentera"~ "pont darmentera el", "brunyola"~ "brunyola i sant marti sapresa", "siurana demporda"~ "siurana", "ajuntament de tirvia"~ "tirvia", "ajuntament de portbou"~ "portbou", "masnou"~ "masnou el", "josa i tuixent"~ "josa i tuixen", "hostalets de pierola"~ "hostalets de pierola els", "sant carles de la rapita"~ "rapita la", .default = as.character(Municipio))) datosGCclean <- datosGCclean %>% inner_join(munClean, by= "Municipio") %>% select(7,1:6) %>% distinct(ine, .keep_all = TRUE) ods13.GCM <- municipios[, c(1,2)] |> left_join(datosGCclean[, c(1,3)], by= "ine") |> mutate(ods13.Participa= ifelse(is.na(Municipio.y), "No", "Sí")) ods13.GCM_sf <- mun_sf |> inner_join(ods13.GCM, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods13.GCM_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods13.Participa", id="Municipio.x", #style = "quantile", #n=2, breaks = c(0,1), palette = c("white","#3BB143"), title = "Participació en el Global Coventant", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("l'aJuntament participa en el Gobal Covenant: "= "ods13.Participa")) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # ODS15 - Vida d'ecosistemes terrestres ## Column ### Taxa d'ocupació de boscos
Taxa de superfície municipal ocupada por boscos d'especies fusteres de creixement lent
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades cadastrals publicades ```{r} #==================================================== # La superficie rústica es importante para calcular la superfície de bosque en valores absolutos que el cadastro facilita en % sobre la superficie rústica # Datos catastrales obtenidos en: # https://www.catastro.hacienda.gob.es/esp/estadistica_10.asp #=================================================== # Superficie rústica en has. rustBCN <- read_xls("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/pcaxis1239350151_RusticaBCN.xls", skip = 5) %>% filter(grepl("^08", ...1)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1) rustGI <- read_xls("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/pcaxis-1059079877_RusticaGI.xls", skip = 5) %>% filter(grepl("^17", ...1)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1) rustLL <- read_xls("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/pcaxis-668245670_RusticaLL.xls", skip = 5) %>% filter(grepl("^25", ...1)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1) rustTA <- read_xls("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/pcaxis-1727241423_RusticaTA.xls", skip = 5) %>% filter(grepl("^43", ...1)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1) supRustica <- rbind(rustBCN,rustGI,rustLL,rustTA) %>% rename(supRusticaHa= `Superficie rústica`) %>% mutate(ine= str_sub(Municipio, 1,5), Municipio= str_sub(Municipio, 7,100)) %>% select(3,1,2) |> mutate(supRusticaHa = str_remove(supRusticaHa,"\\."), supRusticaHa= gsub(",", "\\.", supRusticaHa)) %>% mutate(supRusticaHa= as.numeric(supRusticaHa)) # Superficie de bosque de especies maderables de crecimiento lento en % sobre la superfície rústica total bosqBCN <- read_xls("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/pcaxis540371377_BosqueBCN.xls", skip = 5) %>% filter(grepl("^08", ...1)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1) bosqGI <- read_xls("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/pcaxis-1101415987_BosqueGI.xls", skip = 5) %>% filter(grepl("^17", ...1)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1) bosqLL <- read_xls("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/pcaxis1342554910_BosqueLL.xls", skip = 5) %>% filter(grepl("^25", ...1)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1) bosqTA <- read_xls("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/pcaxis254117086_BosqueTA.xls", skip = 5) %>% filter(grepl("^43", ...1)) %>% rename(Municipio= ...1) bosque <- rbind(bosqBCN,bosqGI,bosqLL,bosqTA) %>% rename(tasaSupBosq= `Especies maderables de crecimiento lento`) %>% mutate(ine= str_sub(Municipio, 1,5), Municipio= str_sub(Municipio, 7,100)) |> select(3,1,2) |> mutate(tasaSupBosq= gsub(",", "\\.", tasaSupBosq)) |> mutate(tasaSupBosq= as.numeric(tasaSupBosq)) # La tasa es sobre la superficie rústica total # Cálculo % de sup. de posque sobre supefície total del municipio ods15.tasaBosque <- info_mun %>% select(1,3,5) %>% inner_join(supRustica[, c(1,3)], by= 'ine') %>% inner_join(bosque[, c(1,3)], by= 'ine') %>% mutate(supMunHa= Superfície..km..*100, supBosque= round(supRusticaHa*tasaSupBosq/100,2), ods15.tasaBosque= round(supBosque/supMunHa*100,1)) ods15.tasaBosque_sf <- mun_sf |> left_join(ods15.tasaBosque[, c(1,2,3,7,8)], by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods15.tasaBosque_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods15.tasaBosque", id="NOMMUNI", #style = "quantile", #n=6, #breaks = c(0,10,20,30, 40, 117), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Superfície de bosc sobre
superfície total (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Superfície de bosc sobre supefície total (%): "= "ods15.tasaBosque", "Superfície de bosc en Ha"= "supBosque", "Superfície municipal en Km2"= "Superfície..km.."), popup.format = list(ods15.tasaBosque= list(decimal.mark = ","), supBosque= list(big.mark= ".", decimal.mark= ","), Superfície..km..= list(big.mark= ".", decimal.mark= ",")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Sol municipal no urbanitzable
% De sòl registrat com No Urbanitzable
Elaboracion propia sobre datos de la Direcció d'Ordenació del Territori,
Urbanisme i Arquitectura, via Dades Obertes Catalunya
```{r} # Lectura dades obtingudes en: # https://analisi.transparenciacatalunya.cat/Urbanisme-infraestructures/Dades-del-mapa-urban-stic-de-Catalunya/epsm-zskb/about_data ods15.snu <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS15/snu.xlsx") %>% rename(ods15.snu= `_05_snu`) %>% mutate(ods15.snuPerc= round(ods15.snu/superficie_ha*100,1)) ods15.snu_sf <- mun_sf |> inner_join(ods15.snu, by= c("CODIMUNI"="ine")) tm_shape(ods15.snu_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods15.snuPerc", id="Municipi", style = "quantile", #n=4, #breaks = c(0,1,5,10, 20), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Taxa de supefície no urbanitzable (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de supefície no urbanitzable (%): "= "ods15.snuPerc", "Superfície no urbanitzable (ha)"= "ods15.snu"), popup.format = list(ods15.snuPerc= list(decimal.mark= ","), ods15.snu= list(big.mark= ".", decimal.mark= ",", digits= 1)) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # ODS16 - Pau, justicia i institucions sòlides ## Column ### Taxa de criminalitat general, excloent Cibercriminalitat (2023)
Taxa de delictes registrats per 10.000 habitants
Elaboració própia sobre dades de criminalitat del Ministerio de Interior ```{r} # Datos de crmiminalidad de 2023 obtenidos en https://estadisticasdecriminalidad.ses.mir.es/publico/portalestadistico/balances.html y procesados criminalidad <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS16/criminalidad.xlsx") criminalidadClean <- criminalidad |> left_join(munClean, by = 'Municipio') %>% filter(!is.na(ine)) ods16.crimConv <- municipios_23 %>% left_join(criminalidadClean, by= 'ine') %>% rename(ods16.crimConv= `I. CRIMINALIDAD CONVENCIONAL`, Total= `2023`) |> # Población del Municipio mutate(ods16.tasaCrimConv= round(ods16.crimConv/Total*1000,2)) %>% # Calculo tasa/10.000 hab. select(1,2,3,5,24) %>% rename(Municipio= Municipio.x) ods16.crimConv_sf <- mun_sf |> inner_join(ods16.crimConv, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods16.crimConv_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods16.tasaCrimConv", id="Municipio", style = "fixed", n=5, breaks = c(10,50 ,80, 100, 140), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Taxa de criminalitat convencional / 1.000 hab.", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de criminalitat convencional/1.000 hab.: "= "ods16.tasaCrimConv", "Nombre de crims convencionals: "= "ods16.crimConv"), popup.format = list(ods16.tasaCrimConv= list(decimal.mark = ","), ods16.crimConv= list(big.mark= ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column{.tabset} ### Participació a les eleccions municipals (2019)
% de Participació en les eleccions. Dades de 2019
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades de la Secretaria de Governs
Locals i de Relacions amb l'Aran via Dades Obertes Catalunya
```{r} ods16.part2019 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS16/participacio.xlsx") %>% rename(ods16.percVotants= votants_percent) ods16.part2019_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods16.part2019, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods16.part2019_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods16.percVotants", id="municipi", style = "quantile", #n=4, #breaks = c(0,1,5,10, 20), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Taxa de participació a les
eleccions de 2019 (%)", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Taxa de participació a les eleccións (%): "= "ods16.percVotants"), popup.format = list(ods16.percVotants= list(decimal.mark= ",")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ### Deute viu municipal per habitant (a 31/12/2023)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades del Ministerio de Economía y Función Pública ```{r} # Deuda viva: portal https://www.hacienda.gob.es/es-ES/cdi/paginas/sistemasfinanciaciondeuda/informacioneells/deudaviva.aspx # MINISTERIO DE HACIENDA deuda <- read_xlsx("basesdeDatos/ODS16/Deuda-viva-ayuntamientos-202312.XLSX", sheet = 1, skip = 11, col_names = TRUE) %>% filter(`Código Provincia` %in% c("08","17","25","43")) deuda <- deuda %>% mutate(Municipio= str_remove(Municipio,"-Municipio de ")) |> mutate(Municipio= tolower(Municipio), Municipio= stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII"), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l'", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("'", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("`", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("´","", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(",", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\(", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(")", "", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^la (.*)", "\\1 la", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^el (.*)", "\\1 el", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^les (.*)", "\\1 les", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= case_match(Municipio, "castell daro platja daro i sagaro"~ "castell daro platja daro i sagaro", .default = as.character(Municipio))) deudaClean <- deuda %>% left_join(munClean, by = 'Municipio') %>% select(9,1,8) %>% inner_join(municipios_23, by = 'ine') %>% select(1,4,5,3) names(deudaClean) <- c("ine", "Municipio", "Total", "deute.viu") ods16.deut <- deudaClean %>% mutate(ods16.deut.hab= round(deute.viu*1000/Total,1)) # El deute està en mils d'EUR ods16.deut_sf <- mun_sf %>% inner_join(ods16.deut[, c(1,4,5)], by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods16.deut_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods16.deut.hab", id="NOMMUNI", style = "fixed", n=5, breaks = c(0 ,200, 800, 1500, 4000), palette = c("papayawhip","darkred"), title = "Deute viu per habitant", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Deute viu per habitant: "= "ods16.deut.hab", "Deute viu en mils d'€: "= "deute.viu"), popup.format = list(ods16.deut.hab= list(decimal.mark = ",", big.mark= "."), deute.viu= list(big.mark= ".", decimal.mark= ",", digits=1)) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # ODS17 - Aliances per a assolir els objetius ## Column ### Aportació a Cooperació al Desenvolupament (2018) vs. Ingressos propis
% de pressupost dedicat a Cooperació per al Desenvolupament sobre Ingressos propis de l'Ajuntament (2018)
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades del Fons Català de Cooperació i dades del Ministerio de Economía y Función Pública ```{r} ing18 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS17/Liquidaciones2018/ingresosPropio2018.xlsx") coop2018 <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/ODS17/cooperacion2018.xlsx") names(coop2018) <- c("Municipio", "InverCoop") coop2018Clean <- coop2018 %>% mutate(Municipio= tolower(Municipio), Municipio= stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII"), Municipio= sub("^l'(.*)", "\\1 l'", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("'", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("`", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("´","", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(",", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub("\\(", "", Municipio), Municipio= gsub(")", "", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^la (.*)", "\\1 la", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^el (.*)", "\\1 el", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^les (.*)", "\\1 les", Municipio), Municipio= sub("^els (.*)", "\\1 els", Municipio), Municipio= trimws(Municipio, "both"), Municipio= case_match(Municipio, "castell-platja daro"~ "castell daro platja daro i sagaro", "empresa municipal sab-urba s.l. - aj. sant andreu de la barca"~ "sant andreu de la barca", .default = as.character(Municipio))) %>% group_by(Municipio) %>% # Elimina la duplicació de Sant Andreu de la Barca summarise(InverCoop= sum(InverCoop)) coop2018ine <- coop2018Clean %>% left_join(munClean, by= "Municipio") ods17.coop <- municipios_19 %>% left_join(coop2018ine[, c(2,3)], by = "ine") %>% left_join(ing18[, 1:2], by= "ine") %>% rename(Total= `2019`) %>% mutate(ods17.coopIngr= round(InverCoop/ingPropios18*100,2), ods17.coopHab= round(InverCoop/Total,1)) ods17.coop_sf <- mun_sf |> inner_join(ods17.coop, by= c("CODIMUNI"= "ine")) tm_shape(ods17.coop_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods17.coopIngr", id="Municipio", style = "fixed", n=5, breaks = c(0,0.05,0.1,0.5,1), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "% del Pressupost de Coop. al Desenvolupament
sobre Ingresos propis", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Pressupost de Coop. al Desenvolupament
sobre Ingresos propis (%): "= "ods17.coopIngr", "Presupost en cooperació al desenvolupament (€): "= "InverCoop", "Toral ingressos propis (2018): "= "ingPropios18"), popup.format = list(ods17.coopIngr= list(decimal.mark= ",", digits= 2), InverCoop= list(decimal.mark= ",", big.mark= "."), ingPropios18= list(big.mark= ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` ## Column ### Aportació a Cooperació al desenvolupament (2018) per hab.
Pressupost dedicat a cooperació per al per al desenvolupament per habitant
Elaboració pròpia sobre dades del Fons Català de Cooperació ```{r} tm_shape(ods17.coop_sf)+ tm_fill(col= "ods17.coopHab", id="Municipio", style = "fixed", n=5, breaks = c(0, 1, 2, 5,10, 15), palette = c("white","darkgreen"), title = "Pressupost de Coop. al Desenvolupament
per habitant", legend.format = list(text.separator= '-', decimal.mark= ","), textNA = 'Sense dades', popup.vars=c("Pressupost de Coop. al Desenvolupament per hab. (€): "= "ods17.coopHab", "Presupost en cooperació al desenvolupament (€): "= "InverCoop"), popup.format = list(ods17.coopHab= list(decimal.mark= ",", digits= 2), InverCoop= list(decimal.mark= ",", big.mark= ".")) ) + tm_borders(col="gray30",lwd=0.5)+ tm_shape(com_sf) + # Change col and lwd of neighborhood boundaries tm_borders(col="grey40", lwd=1.5)+ tmap_options(check.and.fix = TRUE) ``` # Índexs integrats ### Panell d'índexs integrats segons ODS ```{r} comarques <- read_xlsx("BasesdeDatos/Demografia/comarquesCodis.xlsx") resum <- municipios_23 %>% rename(Total= `2023`) %>% mutate(Provincia= case_match(str_sub(ine,1,2), "08"~ "Barcelona", "17"~ "Girona", "25"~ "Lleida", "43"~ "Tarragona")) %>% inner_join(comarques[, c(1,4), by='ine']) %>% select(1,2,4,5,3) %>% left_join(rdfb21[, c(1,3)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(pobr[, c(1,3)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(desp23Cat[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(sauEcoIne[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(sup_mun[, c(1,7)], by= c('ine')) %>% left_join(ods3.mortGen[ ,c(1,5 )], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods3EV[c(1,4)], by = 'ine') %>% #left_join(ods3.tasFarm[,c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods4.eduNivel[,c(1,6)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods4.desp32Cat[ ,c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods5.aturFem[, c(1,6)], by = 'ine') %>% left_join(ods5genAj[, c(1,4)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods5.pensions[, c(1,8)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods6.consAigua[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods6.costAigua[, c(1,6)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods6.munNit[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods7.gasMun22[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods7.pobEnIn[, c(1,7)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods7.tasaFot[, c(1,6)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods8.tasaParo[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% #left_join(ods8.paroJuv[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods8.pib[, c(1,3)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods9.sectors[, c(1,8)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods9.taxEmpInd[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods9.cobBAmpla[, c(1,3)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(pobr[, c(1,4)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods10.Gini[, c(1,3)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods10.Dep[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods11.accsHab[, c(1,6)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods11.InMot1000[, c(2,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods11.supVerd_hab[, c(1,3)], by ='ine') %>% left_join(ods12.residus22[, c(1,4,3)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(despMA22[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods13.GCM[, c(1,4)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods15.tasaBosque[, c(2,8)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods15.snu[, c(1,7)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods16.crimConv[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods16.part2019[, c(1,4)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods16.deut[, c(1,5)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods17.coop[, c(1,6)], by= 'ine') %>% left_join(ods17.coop[, c(1,7)], by= 'ine') ``` ```{=html} ```
```{r fig.height=20, fig.width=10} index <- resum %>% filter(Total >= 10000) %>% mutate(ods6.vuln= ifelse(ods6.vuln== 'No', 0, 1), ods13.Participa= ifelse(ods13.Participa== 'No', 0, 1)) %>% mutate(across(6:45, ~ifelse(abs(mean(.,na.rm= TRUE)- .)<2*sd(., na.rm=TRUE), ., ifelse(.>mean(.,na.rm=TRUE), mean(., na.rm=TRUE)+2*sd(., na.rm= TRUE), mean(., na.rm=TRUE)-2*sd(., na.rm=TRUE))))) %>% mutate(across(starts_with('ods01'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods2'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods3'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods4'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods5'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods6'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods7'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods8'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods9'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods10'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods11'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods12'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods13'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods15'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods16'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(starts_with('ods17'), ~ (.x - min(na.omit(.)))/ (max(na.omit(.))-min(na.omit(.)))), across(where(~is.numeric(.)), ~ifelse(is.nan(.), 0, .))) %>% mutate(ods01.PobrSev = 1-ods01.PobrSev, ods3.MortGen= 1-ods3.MortGen, ods5.percAtFem= 1-ods5.percAtFem, ods6.consHab= 1-ods6.consHab, ods6.total_m3= 1-ods6.total_m3, ods6.vuln= 1-ods6.vuln, ods7.gas.hab.dia= 1-ods7.gas.hab.dia, ods7.inPobEn=1-ods7.inPobEn, ods8.tasaParo= 1-ods8.tasaParo, ods10.Pobr = 1-ods10.Pobr, ods10.gini= 1-ods10.gini, ods10.dep= 1-ods10.dep, ods11.indAcc= 1-ods11.indAcc, ods11.InMot1000= 1-ods11.InMot1000, ods16.tasaCrimConv= 1- ods16.tasaCrimConv, ods16.deut.hab= 1- ods16.deut.hab) ODSindex <- index |> rowwise() |> mutate('01'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods01'))), '02'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods2'))), '03'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods3'))), '04'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods4'))), '05'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods5'))), '06'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods6'))), '07'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods7'))), '08'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods8'))), '09'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods9'))), '10'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods10'))), '11'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods11'))), '12'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods12'))), '13'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods13'))), '15'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods15'))), '16'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods16'))), '17'= mean(c_across(starts_with('ods17'))) ) ODSindex[,c(1,2,46:61)] %>% pivot_longer(cols = 3:18) %>% mutate(cat= cut(value, breaks = c(-.0001,0.24999,0.4999,0.749999,1), labels= c("0-0,249","0,25-0,499", "0,50-0,749", "0,75-1"))) |> mutate(Municipio= factor(Municipio, levels= rev(sort(unique(Municipio))))) |> ggplot(aes(x=name, y=Municipio, fill= cat))+ geom_tile(colour= "white")+ scale_x_discrete(position = "top") + scale_y_discrete(aes(reorder(desc(Municipio)))) + xlab('Índexs integrats segons ODS (municipis de més de 10.000 habitants)') + geom_text(aes(label= round(value, 2)), colour="white", size=4)+ scale_fill_manual(values = c("red3","orange","yellow3","green4")) + guides(fill= guide_legend(title = "Escala valors")) + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14, face = "bold", colour = "steelblue"), axis.title.y = element_blank()) ```
```{r eval=FALSE} library(downloadthis) ODSindex[,c(1,2,46:61)] %>% download_this( output_name = "Indices ODS", output_extension = ".xls", button_label = "Descarrega en Excel", button_type = "success", has_icon = TRUE, icon = "fa fa-save", class= "button_large" ) ``` # Llistat interactiu ## Column {data-width="251"} ### Filtres ```{r} resum <- resum %>% mutate(ods6.vuln= ifelse(ods6.vuln== 'No', 0, 1), ods13.Participa= ifelse(ods13.Participa== 'No', 0, 1)) %>% mutate(Ficha= paste0(ine, "-", gsub("/","-",Municipio)), Ficha= stringi::stri_trans_general(Ficha, "Latin-ASCII"), Ficha= tolower(Ficha), Ficha= gsub("'", "", Ficha), Ficha= gsub(",", "", Ficha), Ficha= gsub("\\(", "", Ficha), Ficha= gsub( ")", "", Ficha), Ficha= gsub(" ", "-",Ficha), .before = Municipio) sketch = htmltools::withTags(table( class = 'display', thead( tr( th(colspan = 6, 'Dades generals'), th(colspan = 3, 'ODS 1'), th(colspan = 2, 'ODS 2'), th(colspan = 2, 'ODS 3'), th(colspan = 2, 'ODS 4'), th(colspan = 3, 'ODS 5'), th(colspan = 3, 'ODS 6'), th(colspan = 3, 'ODS 7'), th(colspan = 2, 'ODS 8'), th(colspan = 3, 'ODS 9'), th(colspan = 3, 'ODS 10'), th(colspan = 3, 'ODS 11'), th(colspan = 2, 'ODS 12'), th(colspan = 2, 'ODS 13'), th(colspan = 2, 'ODS 15'), th(colspan = 3, 'ODS 16'), th(colspan = 2, 'ODS 17'), ), tr( lapply(c('Cod. INE','Fitxa','Municipi','Província', 'Comarca', 'Població', 'Renda Disp. Fam. Bruta (€)', 'Pobresa Severa (%)', 'Despesa Social (€/hab)', 'Sup. Ecològica s. SAU (%)', 'SAU s. Sup. total (%)', 'Mortalitat general (‰)', 'Esperança de vida (anys)', 'Taxa educació sup. (%)', 'Gasto Municipal Educ. (%)', 'Atur femení (%)', 'Índex paritat carrecs electes (0-1)', 'Diferència H-D pensions retributives (%)', 'Consum diari aigua dom. (l/hab)', 'Cost aigua domiciliària (€/m3)', 'Vuln. municipal nitratos en aguas (0-1)', 'Cosum gas nat. canal. (Kwh PCS/hab. i dia)', 'Vulnerab. Energètica (1-4)', 'Instal. fotovoltaiques s. 100 hab.', 'Aturats / pobl. 16-64 (%)', 'Taxa de creixement del PIB (%)', 'Taxa de treballadors indústria (%)', 'Taxa empreses industrials (%)', 'Cobertura línees +100Mbps', 'Taxa de persones en risc de pobresa (%)', 'Coeficient Gini (1-100)', 'Taxa de Dependència (%)', 'Pes relatiu habitatge (%)', 'Índex motorització (per 1000 hab.)', 'Superfície verda (m2/hab.)', 'Recollida selectiva anual (kg/hab.)', 'Fracció recollida selectiva (%)', 'Desp. Medi ambient/ hab.', 'Participació al GCofM', 'Taxa de sup. de bosc (%)', 'Taxa de sup. no urbanitzable (%)', 'Taxa de crim. convvencional (per mil)', 'Taxa articipació eleccions (%)', 'Deute mun. viu / hab. (€)', 'Pressupost Coop Desenvol. /ingressos (%)', 'Pressupost Coop Desenvol. / hab.' ),th) ) ))) resumDT <- resum %>% mutate(link = paste0( "https://analysis.cat/fitxesmun/", Ficha, ".html"), link = map(link, ~ htmltools::a(href = .x,target="_blank", "Veure fitxa")), link = map(link, ~ gt::html(as.character(.x))), .before = Municipio) %>% select(-2) sd <- crosstalk::SharedData$new(resumDT) filter_select( id = "comarcas", label = "Selecciona les comarques", sharedData = sd, group = ~Comarca ) a <- filter_slider( id = "poblacio", label = "Població del municipi", sharedData = sd, column = ~Total, step = 5000, min= 0, round = -3, sep = "", ticks = FALSE, width = '300px' ) b <- filter_slider( id = "rdbf", label = "Renda Familiar Disponible Bruta / hab.", sharedData = sd, column = ~ods01.rdfb.hab, step = 100, min= min(resumDT$ods01.rdfb.hab, na.rm = TRUE), round = -3, sep = "", ticks = FALSE, width = '300px' ) a b ``` ## Column {data-width="749"} ### Llistat interactiu per municipis ```{r} sd %>% datatable(class = 'display', extensions = 'Buttons', container = sketch, rownames = FALSE, options = list(dom = 'Blfrtip', buttons = c('copy', 'csv', 'excel'), autoWidth= TRUE, columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-head-center', targets = "_all")), #list(list(className = 'dt-body-right', # targets = 3)), lengthMenu = list(c(25,50,-1), c(25,50,"Todos")) ) ) %>% formatStyle(columns = c(7:46), `text-align`= 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = 6, `text-align`= 'right') |> formatStyle(columns = c(1:46), '9px') |> formatRound(columns = c(8:16,18:20,22:32, 34:37, 39:45), digits = 2, dec.mark = ",", mark = ".") |> #formatRound(columns = c(4), digits = 0, mark = ".") |> formatRound(columns = c(6, 7, 17, 21, 33,38), digits = 0, mark = ".") |> formatStyle(columns = c(7), background = styleColorBar(resum[,7], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(8), background = styleColorBar(resum[,8], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(9), background = styleColorBar(resum[,9], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(10), background = styleColorBar(resum[,10], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(11), background = styleColorBar(resum[,11], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(12), background = styleColorBar(resum[,12], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(13), background = styleColorBar(resum[,13], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(14), background = styleColorBar(resum[,14], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(15), background = styleColorBar(resum[,15], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(16), background = styleColorBar(resum[,16], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(17), background = styleColorBar(resum[,17], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(18), background = styleColorBar(resum[,18], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(19), background = styleColorBar(resum[,19], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(20), background = styleColorBar(resum[,20], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(21), background = styleColorBar(resum[,21], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(22), background = styleColorBar(resum[,22], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(23), background = styleColorBar(resum[,23], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(24), background = styleColorBar(resum[,24], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(25), background = styleColorBar(resum[,25], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(26), background = styleColorBar(resum[,26], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(27), background = styleColorBar(resum[,27], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(28), background = styleColorBar(resum[,28], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(29), background = styleColorBar(resum[,29], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(30), background = styleColorBar(resum[,30], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(31), background = styleColorBar(resum[,31], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(32), background = styleColorBar(resum[,32], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(33), background = styleColorBar(resum[,33], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(34), background = styleColorBar(resum[,34], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(35), background = styleColorBar(resum[,35], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(36), background = styleColorBar(resum[,36], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(37), background = styleColorBar(resum[,37], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(38), background = styleColorBar(resum[,38], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(39), background = styleColorBar(resum[,39], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(40), background = styleColorBar(resum[,40], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') |> formatStyle(columns = c(41), background = styleColorBar(resum[,41], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') %>% formatStyle(columns = c(42), background = styleColorBar(resum[,42], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') %>% formatStyle(columns = c(43), background = styleColorBar(resum[,43], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') %>% formatStyle(columns = c(44), background = styleColorBar(resum[,44], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') %>% formatStyle(columns = c(45), background = styleColorBar(resum[,45], 'lightblue'), backgroundSize = '98% 88%', backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition = 'center') ``` ```{r eval=FALSE} fitxes <- resum %>% #mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) %>% pivot_longer(c(7:46)) |> mutate(ODS= str_sub(name,1,5)) %>% select(1,2,3,4,5,6,9,7,8) %>% mutate(ODS= str_remove(ODS, "\\.")) write.csv(fitxes, "fitxesmun/fitxes.csv", row.names = FALSE) ``` # Fitxes municipals ```{r} library(gt) linklist<- resum %>% mutate(link = paste0("https://analysis.cat/fitxesmun/", Ficha, ".html"), link = sprintf('

%s', link, resum$Municipio), link = map(link, gt::html)) %>% select(c(1,3,47)) %>% rename(Municipi= link) %>% arrange(stringi::stri_trans_general(Municipio, "Latin-ASCII")) gt(linklist) %>% cols_align("left") %>% tab_options(table.font.size = 18) %>% cols_hide(columns = c(Municipio)) ``` # Fonts de dades ```{r fig.width= 13.3} knitr::include_url("https://analysis.cat/CatalegDades.html", height = '620px') ``` # Source code ```{r fig.width=13.3} knitr::include_url("https://analysis.cat/odscatalunya.txt", height = '620px') ``` ```{r} knitr::knit_exit() ```